National Semiconductor Geode GX1 ?

Stefan Reinauer stepan at
Sun Dec 1 06:52:01 CET 2002

* Christer Weinigel <christer at> [021130 12:30]:
> How about the licensing?  I think the VSA BIOS freely available from
> NatSemi if one gets the XPressROM kit from them, but what does the GPL
> say about calling a binary object?  In my mind there is no linking
> done if a GPL:ed application contains a binary blob which it
> uncompresses into memory and then jumps to an address within the blob,
> but people were quite anal retentive about GPL:ed applications using
> the Qt toolkit a few years ago, so there could be trouble.

Still, it's not a legal problem to use Grub oder Lilo for loading and
jumping into this binary blob called windows. If putting VSA2 code to 
ROM would be a problem for whatever reason, it could be loaded from a
different media, as vsa is not needed to get IDE working.


The x86 isn't all that complex - it just doesn't make a lot of
sense.          -- Mike Johnson, Leader of 80x86 Design at AMD
	                          Microprocessor Report (1994)

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