EPIA Howto Update

SONE Takeshi ts1 at cma.co.jp
Fri Jul 18 02:25:01 CEST 2003

On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 07:20:22AM +0100, Mark Wilkinson wrote:
> Will correct that, although what I can remember from the northbridge docs is 
> that a setting of 0 also disables the framebuffer - perhaps this option is 
> really a 'have framebuffer, but don't share with it memory option'

vgainit.inc has #if's to examine the value to choose the value for 
the northbridge register, it cause #error if it's 0.

> >     option ZKERNEL_START=0xfffc0000
> >     option VGABIOS_START=0xfffe0000
> >     addaction romimage dd if=/path/to/vgabios.bin of=romimage bs=65536 \
> > 	seek=2 conv=sync conv=notrunc

> so this copies the vgabios into the rom image after the payload (not the 
> otherway around) doesn't copying 65536 bytes to 0xfffe000 overwrite the 
> Linuxbios part of the rom image ? or is that done afterwards, in which case 
> the LinuxBIOS would overwrite part of the vgabios image... althought, I think 
> the VGA bios is only 48K in size isn't it !

It copies vgabios.bin at 128-192KB of romimage.
LinuxBIOS lives at 192-256KB.
128KB space at the beginning is left for payload.


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