
Xavier Pegenaute xpegenaute at
Mon May 5 05:54:00 CEST 2003


i'm doing documentation about the code of LinuxBios with ADLO for my 
thesis, and i thought that may be you can helpme in things that are 
usefull to know for understand the code of LinuxBios. Of course after 
the document can be for linuxbios.

I started by a mail of Greg Watson that explain how is linked crt0.S and 
linuxbios, after this i started to explain the main things of 
hardwaremain.c that jump to the elfboot and finally elfboot to kernel.

Any one thing that is usefull to explain something else ?

Another thing that is a little confused in me .., the true point of 
start code, in some info say that is in 0xf0000, but in the compilation 
of ms7308e i see that is in: T _start

i supose that then it depends of the motherboard ...

At the moment it's all.
Thanks for all.

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