EPIA success and problem

ron minnich rminnich at lanl.gov
Thu May 8 09:12:01 CEST 2003

On Thu, 8 May 2003, SONE Takeshi wrote:

> I've found out a bit about this.
> When I change MAXIMUM_CONSOLE_LOGLEVEL from 8 to 9,
> the problem disappears.

This sounds like a timing problem. 

> Also, when GCC 2.95 is used instead of GCC 3.2,
> it works ok.

not necessarily. I have had lots of trouble with via chipsets over the 
years that boiled down to race conditions in the chipset. I think you've 
hit another one. 

> It looks like very delicate bug is some where in the code.

probably not a bug, but probably something we have to figure out how to 
work around. 


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