[LinuxBIOS] Help Debugging Windows VISTA - GSoC

Augusto Pedroza augusto.pedroza at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 14:43:17 CEST 2007

> As it turns out, current Bochs can run Vista and since we depend on the
> Bochs BIOS for ADLO, updating the codebase could result in a working
> Vista. See http://marc.info/?l=bochs-dev&m=118650789913052&w=2 for the
> success message.
We are using one of the newest versions of bochs bios and it does work ...
sometimes. For some reason it works 1 out of 10 times. Most of the times It
shows a blue screen related to ACPI or PAGE_FAULT.
Yesterday I almost  finished installing vista on a disk image but it
displayed a message saying it couldn't set my locale and canceled the
installation, can you believe that?
  I'm trying very hard to connect the virtual serial COM2 port of qemu to my
real COM2/ttyS1 port so we can get some messages when turning on debugging
mode. I have tried different settings but no sucess up to now.
  I'll email Stanislav to fins out if he faced the same problems.

Thanks a lot,
Augusto Pedroza
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