[LinuxBIOS] Latest on via epia-m for LinuxBIOS v2?

Matthew Bloch matthew at bytemark.co.uk
Tue Aug 28 01:23:53 CEST 2007

Corey Osgood wrote:
> Matthew Bloch wrote:
>> Corey Osgood wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> This is exactly as it says. In src/mainboard/via/epia-m/Config.lb, there
>>> should be an XIP_ROM_SIZE and XIP_ROM_BASE, the base must be a multiple
>>> of the size. I had a bit of trouble working around this myself at one
>>> point, I think I determined that I just couldn't have a VGA rom and only
>>> the fallback boot, having both seemed to straighten things out.
>> So just to be clear we officially have no idea how to make a VGA BIOS as
>> detailed in the HOWTO any more :)  Using the Config.vga.filo gives the
>> same error, so I'll give up on VGA as well.
> What I meant was I needed normal+fallback+vga, that did the trick for me
> at the time, but I can't recall why. For some reason having a fallback
> image size of 256k - vgarom size screwed up the XIP size calculation,
> perhaps because the vga rom wasn't exactly 64k?

Do you have a working Config.lb I could look at?

> Fallback can be for any variety of things. For example, you could set it
> up so that there's no or reduced serial output during a normal boot, but
> a full spew during fallback, or else you could use a different payload
> for fallback.

Ah okay, under what circumstances does the fallback run?

> There may be some sort of flash protection in place, check your vendor
> bios for a "Flash protect" option. I have this on my jetway and it gives
> the same effect, but via's a whole different beast. Does the vendor bios
> still verify? Peter Stuge should know more, hopefully he'll jump in soon.

I cut & pasted this program:
and it seems to have flashed without trouble (both the program itself
and flashrom said the new BIOS was verified, hooray).

Despite my earlier test I'm hesitant to reboot as I've no backstop in
case I brick it - will review my options for recover, possibly purchase
a backup chip and pop back in a few days :)



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