[coreboot] Five lines of bling, anyone?

Frieder Ferlemann frieder.ferlemann at web.de
Wed Apr 21 19:07:23 CEST 2010


Am 21.04.2010 14:44, schrieb Myles Watson:
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Peter Stuge <peter at stuge.se> wrote:
>> Myles Watson wrote:
>>>>                       /|              /|
>>>>    ___  ___  _ __ ___| |__  ___  ___ | |_
>>>>   / __|/ _ \| '__| _ \ '_ \/ _ \/ _ \| __|
>>>>  ( (__( (_) ) | (  __/ |_) )(_) )(_) ) |_
>>>>   \___|\___/|_|  \___|_.__/\___/\___/ \__|
>>> Pretty fun.  I added a few parentheses.
>> Nice. I'll ack for console_init(). Hm, there's one both in
>> arch/i386/lib/console.c and in console/console.c.
> Yes, it is a lot simpler than it used to be, but maybe could still be
> simpler.

If "figlet" is installed this command

find /usr/share/games/figlet/fonts/ -iname "*flf" -exec figlet -f {}
coreboot \; | less

results in 3770 lines with 443 fonts here. Some of these are:

                        __                __
  _________  ________  / /_  ____  ____  / /_
 / ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \/ __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ __/
/ /__/ /_/ / /  /  __/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_
\___/\____/_/   \___/_.___/\____/\____/\__/

  __  __  ___   ___  ___   __    __  ____
 / _)/  \(  ,) (  _)(  ,) /  \  /  \(_  _)
( (_( () ))  \  ) _) ) ,\( () )( () ) )(
 \__)\__/(_)\_)(___)(___/ \__/  \__/ (__)

 _ _ .__ |_  _  __|_

                _              _
 __ ___ _ _ ___| |__  ___  ___| |_
/ _/ _ \ '_/ -_) '_ \/ _ \/ _ \  _|
\__\___/_| \___|_.__/\___/\___/\__|

                   __             __
 _______  _______ / /  ___  ___  / /_
/ __/ _ \/ __/ -_) _ \/ _ \/ _ \/ __/
\__/\___/_/  \__/_.__/\___/\___/\__/

                    |              |
|    |   ||    |---'|   ||   ||   ||
`---'`---'`    `---'`---'`---'`---'`---'

                    _                 _
  ___ ___  _ __ ___| |__   ___   ___ | |_
 / __/ _ \| '__/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| __|
| (_| (_) | | |  __/ |_) | (_) | (_) | |_
 \___\___/|_|  \___|_.__/ \___/ \___/ \__|

                           8                      o
                           8                      8
.oPYo. .oPYo. oPYo. .oPYo. 8oPYo. .oPYo. .oPYo.  o8P
8    ' 8    8 8  `' 8oooo8 8    8 8    8 8    8   8
8    . 8    8 8     8.     8    8 8    8 8    8   8
`YooP' `YooP' 8     `Yooo' `YooP' `YooP' `YooP'   8

                .           .
,-. ,-. ,-. ,-. |-. ,-. ,-. |-
|   | | |   |-' | | | | | | |
`-' `-' '   `-' ^-' `-' `-' `'

Sorry, no hare:)

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