[SerialICE] lua script shows WARNING: undefined load(/store) operation @<location>

Idwer Vollering vidwer at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 01:52:05 CEST 2012

Memory initialization registers reside in the address range
0xfecf0000:0xfecffff but serialice (from git code) shows lines like
"WARNING: undefined load operation @fecf0000" and "WARNING: undefined
store operation @fecf0000"

To filter these registers I have edited serialice.lua, then added the
following filter to SerialICE_memory_read_filter:
if (addr >= 0xfecf0000 and addr <= 0xfecffff) then
return false, true, 0

and SerialICE_memory_write_filter:
if (addr >= 0xfecf0000 and addr <= 0xfecffff) then
return false, true, data

So the above filters aren't applied. Help?


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