help!!!who can explain the interface between linuxbios and linux.

Ronald G. Minnich rminnich at
Thu Feb 20 00:02:01 CET 2003

On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, [GB2312] Íõº£Ã÷ wrote:

> dear all:
>  I have developed a linuxbios debug system succefully.I introduced gdb
> stub into my system. In my system ,developers can debug linuxbios at
> source code level. I setup the stub at the beginning of the begin of the
> function of hardwaremain, the first c function.Now the system can excute
> the function of "step",'step into" "step out" ,"breakpoint"and so on.
> but the system has not been tested fully.
>     I wonder if my design is usefull to others.

This is truly wonderful, and we need to get it into the tree, 

I can try to work with you on that. 

> 2. the second question is about PCI. I found that in linuxbios, some PCI
> initialization work is we know ,in linux kernel, the same work
> was be done.Some linuxbios PCI initialization code is even the same with
> linux kernel. my question is:
>     if the initialization in linuxbios is necessary?

yes, it is, Linux has shown that it must have some PCI initialization 

Thanks, and if you don't get other answers for the other questions I will 
try to answer those too.


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