[LinuxBIOS] Commell LV-677*

Stefan Reinauer stepan at coresystems.de
Fri Dec 15 10:39:19 CET 2006

* raphael Jacquot <sxpert at sxpert.org> [061215 10:29]:
> I was looking at this
> http://www.commell.com.tw/Product/SBC/LV-677.HTM
> and was wondering if there was any chance for linuxbios support ?

i945 is currently not supported. You might start with the 855 and some
data sheets if you are tough ;-) I'm sure this list would help you as
good as possible. 

The southbridge will be easy to support, its a  82801GHM (ICH7M).
There's a couple of 82801 southbridges already supported and they are
all reasonably similar.

The big task is the 945 north bridge, which supports DDR2 and the Core
Duo/Core 2 Duo. DDR2 is basically supported by the AMD side of
LinuxBIOS, you might find some valuable hints there, and some of the
code like DDR2 training might be reusable to some extent.

Better get yourself a null modem cable, a second flash chip, a cheap
burner (or bios savior if you can still get one) and roll up your
sleeves ;-)


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