[LinuxBIOS] MB1030 / 3036 VGA resume

Christian Sühs chris at suehsi.de
Tue May 9 18:07:34 CEST 2006

Richard Smith schrieb:
>>What about the Config.lb under the mainboard folder.
>>Most Boards enables the apic cluster, the eaglelion/5bcm does not.
> Do you have an apic?

Well I don't think so ;)

I'm not really sure what this is, i.e in the epia-m Config.lb is it 
enabled too, has/is the epia-m an apic?

Means apic, some boards get together in a cluster ??

>>I think all devices should be init, which are set to on in the Config file.
>>However, the CPU is not init by LB and therefor there is no L1 cache.
>>Can somebody have a second look to the eaglelion Config.lb under the
>>mainboard folder. The file could be wrong.
> What boards are you comparing against?

It seems that almost any board has enabled apic in the Config.lb

> I haven't had a chance to look at the registers you listed for the CPU
> datasheet.  But my suggestion would be to just try them and see what
> happens.

Yeah, I have tried these and that, but nothing helps. Currently I think 
that the GX1 L1 cache is disabled. Because it seems that the CPU is not 
init by LinuxBios on startup.

Last, I don't know how I should set those special cpu registers.

> --
> Richard A. Smith

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