[LinuxBIOS] r2434 - trunk/LinuxBIOSv2/util/abuild

svn at openbios.org svn at openbios.org
Mon Sep 25 11:15:52 CEST 2006

Author: stepan
Date: 2006-09-25 11:15:52 +0200 (Mon, 25 Sep 2006)
New Revision: 2434

rename abuild.sh to abuild.

Copied: trunk/LinuxBIOSv2/util/abuild/abuild (from rev 2432, trunk/LinuxBIOSv2/util/abuild/abuild.sh)
--- trunk/LinuxBIOSv2/util/abuild/abuild	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/LinuxBIOSv2/util/abuild/abuild	2006-09-25 09:15:52 UTC (rev 2434)
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+#  LinuxBIOS autobuild
+#  This script builds LinuxBIOS images for all available targets.
+#  (C) 2004 by Stefan Reinauer <stepan at openbios.org>
+#  (C) 2006 by coresystems GmbH <info at coresystems.de>
+#  This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General
+#  Public License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this
+#  archive for more details.
+#set -x # Turn echo on....
+# Where shall we place all the build trees?
+TARGET=$( pwd )/linuxbios-builds
+XMLFILE=$( pwd )/abuild.xml
+# path to payload. Should be more generic
+# Lines of error context to be printed in FAILURE case
+# One might want to adjust these in case of cross compiling
+# this can be changed to xml by -x
+ARCH=`uname -m | sed -e s/i.86/i386/ -e s/sun4u/sparc64/ \
+	-e s/arm.*/arm/ -e s/sa110/arm/ -e s/x86_64/amd64/ \
+	-e "s/Power Macintosh/ppc/"`
+function debug
+	test "$verbose" == "true" && echo $*
+function xml
+	test "$mode" == "xml" && echo "$*" >> $XMLFILE
+function xmlfile
+	test "$mode" == "xml" && { echo '<![CDATA['; cat $1; echo ']]>'; } >> $XMLFILE
+function vendors
+	# make this a function so we can easily select
+	# without breaking readability
+	ls -1 "$LBROOT/src/mainboard" | grep -v CVS
+function mainboards
+	# make this a function so we can easily select
+	# without breaking readability
+	ls -1 $LBROOT/src/mainboard/$VENDOR | grep -v CVS 
+function architecture
+	cat $LBROOT/src/mainboard/$VENDOR/$MAINBOARD/Config.lb | \
+		grep ^arch | cut -f 2 -d\ 
+function create_config
+	TARCH=$( architecture $VENDOR $MAINBOARD )
+	TARGCONFIG=$LBROOT/targets/$VENDOR/$MAINBOARD/Config-abuild.lb
+        # get a working payload for the board if we have one.
+	if [ -x $payloads/payload.sh ]; then
+		PAYLOAD=`$payloads/payload.sh $VENDOR $MAINBOARD`
+		echo "Using custom payload $PAYLOAD"
+	fi
+	mkdir -p $TARGET
+        if [ -f $TARGCONFIG ]; then
+        	cp $TARGCONFIG $TARGET/Config-${VENDOR}_${MAINBOARD}.lb
+		echo -n "Using existing test target $TARGCONFIG"
+		xml "  <config>$TARGCONFIG</config>"
+	else
+		echo -n "  Creating config file..."
+		xml "  <config>autogenerated</config>"
+		( cat << EOF
+# This will make a target directory of ./VENDOR_MAINBOARD
+option CC="CROSSCC"
+		if [ "$TARCH" == i386 ] ; then
+			cat <<EOF
+romimage "normal"
+	option ROM_IMAGE_SIZE=0x20000
+	option LINUXBIOS_EXTRA_VERSION=".0-normal"
+	payload PAYLOAD
+romimage "fallback" 
+	option ROM_IMAGE_SIZE=0x20000
+	option LINUXBIOS_EXTRA_VERSION=".0-fallback"
+	payload PAYLOAD
+buildrom ./linuxbios.rom ROM_SIZE "normal" "fallback"
+		else
+			cat <<EOF
+romimage "only"
+	payload PAYLOAD
+buildrom ./linuxbios.rom ROM_SIZE "only"
+		fi 
+		) > $TARGET/Config-${VENDOR}_${MAINBOARD}.lb
+	fi
+	sed -i.pre -e s,VENDOR,$VENDOR,g \
+		-e s,PAYLOAD,$PAYLOAD,g \
+		-e s,CROSSCC,"$CC",g \
+		-e s,CROSS_HOSTCC,"$HOSTCC",g \
+	echo " ok"
+function create_builddir
+	echo -n "  Creating builddir..."
+	target_dir=$TARGET
+	config_dir=$LBROOT/util/newconfig
+	yapps2_py=$config_dir/yapps2.py
+	config_g=$config_dir/config.g
+	config_lb=Config-${VENDOR}_${MAINBOARD}.lb
+	cd $target_dir
+	build_dir=${VENDOR}_${MAINBOARD}
+	config_py=$build_dir/config.py
+	if [ ! -d $build_dir ] ; then
+		mkdir -p $build_dir
+	fi
+	if [ ! -f $config_py ]; then
+		$PYTHON $yapps2_py $config_g $config_py &> $build_dir/py.log
+	fi
+	# make sure config.py is up-to-date
+	export PYTHONPATH=$config_dir
+	$PYTHON $config_py $config_lb $LBROOT &> $build_dir/config.log
+	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+		echo "ok"
+		xml "  <builddir>ok</builddir>"
+		xml ""
+		return 0
+	else
+		echo "FAILED! Log excerpt:"
+		xml "  <builddir>failed</builddir>"
+		xml "  <log>"
+		xmlfile $build_dir/config.log
+		xml "  </log>"
+		xml ""
+		tail -n $CONTEXT $build_dir/config.log
+		return 1
+	fi
+function create_buildenv
+	create_config $VENDOR $MAINBOARD
+	create_builddir $VENDOR $MAINBOARD
+function compile_target
+	echo -n "  Compiling image .."
+	CURR=$( pwd )
+	stime=`date +%s`
+	eval $MAKE &> make.log
+	ret=$?
+	etime=`date +%s`
+	duration=$(( $etime - $stime ))
+	if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
+		xml "  <compile>ok</compile>"
+		xml "  <compiletime>${duration}s</compiletime>"
+		echo "ok" > compile.status
+		echo "ok. (took ${duration}s)"
+		cd $CURR
+		return 0
+	else
+		xml "  <compile>failed</compile>"
+		xml "  <compiletime>${duration}s</compiletime>"
+		xml "  <log>"
+		xmlfile make.log
+		xml "  </log>"
+		echo "FAILED after ${duration}s! Log excerpt:"
+		tail -n $CONTEXT make.log
+		cd $CURR
+		return 1
+	fi
+function built_successfully
+	CURR=`pwd`
+	status="fail"
+	if [ -d "$TARGET/${VENDOR}_${MAINBOARD}" ]; then
+		if [ -r compile.status ] ; then
+			status=`cat compile.status`
+		fi
+		cd $CURR
+	fi
+	[ "$buildall" != "true" -a "$status" == "ok" ]
+function build_broken
+	CURR=`pwd`
+	status="yes"
+	[ -r "$LBROOT/src/mainboard/${VENDOR}/${MAINBOARD}/BROKEN" ] && status="no"
+	[ "$buildbroken" == "true" -o "$status" == "yes" ]
+function build_target
+	TARCH=$( architecture $VENDOR $MAINBOARD )
+	# default setting
+	HOSTCC='gcc'
+	echo -n "Processing mainboard/$VENDOR/$MAINBOARD"
+	xml "<mainboard>"
+	xml ""
+	xml "  <vendor>$VENDOR</vendor>"
+	xml "  <device>$MAINBOARD</device>"
+	xml ""
+	xml "  <architecture>$TARCH</architecture>"
+	xml ""
+	[ -r "$LBROOT/src/mainboard/${VENDOR}/${MAINBOARD}/abuild.info" ] && \
+		source $LBROOT/src/mainboard/${VENDOR}/${MAINBOARD}/abuild.info
+	if [ "$ARCH" == "$TARCH" ]; then
+		echo " ($TARCH: ok)"
+	else
+		found_crosscompiler=false
+		if [ "$ARCH" == amd64 -a "$TARCH" == i386 ]; then
+			CC="gcc -m32"
+			found_crosscompiler=true
+		fi
+		if [ "$ARCH" == ppc64 -a "$TARCH" == ppc ]; then
+			CC="gcc -m32"
+			found_crosscompiler=true
+		fi
+		if [ "$found_crosscompiler" == "false" -a "$TARCH" == ppc ];then
+			for prefix in powerpc-eabi- powerpc-linux- ppc_74xx- \
+			    powerpc-7450-linux-gnu-; do
+				if ${prefix}gcc --version > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
+					found_crosscompiler=true
+					CROSS_COMPILE=$prefix
+				fi
+			done
+		fi
+		# TBD: look for suitable cross compiler suite
+		# cross-$TARCH-gcc and cross-$TARCH-ld
+		# Check result:
+		if [ $found_crosscompiler == "false" ]; then
+			echo " ($TARCH: skipped, we're $ARCH)"
+			echo
+			xml "  <status>notbuilt</status>"
+			xml ""
+			xml "</mainboard>"
+			return 0
+		else
+			echo " ($TARCH: ok, we're $ARCH)"
+			xml "  <compiler>"
+			xml "    <path>`which ${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc`</path>"
+			xml "    <version>`${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc --version | head -1`</version>"
+			xml "  </compiler>"
+			xml ""
+		fi
+	fi
+	built_successfully $VENDOR $MAINBOARD && \
+	{
+		echo " ( mainboard/$VENDOR/$MAINBOARD previously ok )"
+		echo
+		xml "  <status>previouslyok</status>"
+		xml ""
+		xml "</mainboard>"
+		return 0
+	}
+	build_broken $VENDOR $MAINBOARD || \
+	{
+		echo " ( broken mainboard/$VENDOR/$MAINBOARD skipped )"
+		echo
+		xml "  <status>knownbroken</status>"
+		xml ""
+		xml "</mainboard>"
+		return 0
+	}
+	create_buildenv $VENDOR $MAINBOARD
+	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+		compile_target $VENDOR $MAINBOARD && 
+			xml "<status>ok</status>" ||
+			xml "<status>broken</status>"
+	fi
+	xml ""
+	xml "</mainboard>"
+	echo
+function myhelp
+	echo "Usage: $0 [-v] [-a] [-b] [-t <vendor/board>] [-p <dir>] [lbroot]"
+	echo "       $0 [-V|--version]"
+	echo "       $0 [-h|--help]"
+	echo
+	echo "Options:"
+	echo "    [-v|--verbose]		  print more messages"
+	echo "    [-a|--all]			  build previously succeeded ports as well"
+	echo "    [-b|--broken]		  attempt to build ports that are known broken"
+	echo "    [-t|--target <vendor/board>]  attempt to build target vendor/board only"
+	echo "    [-p|--payloads <dir>]         use payloads in <dir> to build images"
+	echo "    [-V|--version]		  print version number and exit"
+	echo "    [-h|--help]			  print this help and exit"
+	echo "    [-x|--xml]			  write xml log file "
+	echo "                                  (defaults to $XMLFILE)"
+	echo "    [lbroot]			  absolute path to LinuxBIOS sources"
+	echo "				  (defaults to $LBROOT)"
+	echo
+function myversion 
+	cat << EOF
+LinuxBIOS autobuild: V0.3.
+Copyright (C) 2004 by Stefan Reinauer <stepan at openbios.org>
+Copyright (C) 2006 by coresystems GmbH <info at coresystems.de>
+This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms
+of the GNU General Public License. This program has absolutely no
+	myhelp
+# default options
+LBROOT=$( cd ../..; pwd )
+# parse parameters
+args=`getopt -l version,verbose,help,all,target:,broken,payloads: Vvhat:bp: -- "$@"`
+if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+	myhelp
+	exit 1
+eval set "$args"
+while true ; do
+	case "$1" in
+		-x|--xml)       shift; mode=xml; rm -f $XMLFILE ;;
+		-t|--target)	shift; target="$1"; shift;;
+		-a|--all)	shift; buildall=true;;
+		-b|--broken)	shift; buildbroken=true;;
+		-v|--verbose)	shift; verbose=true;;
+		-V|--version)	shift; myversion; exit 0;;
+		-h|--help)	shift; myhelp; exit 0;;
+		-p|--payloads)  shift; payloads="$1"; shift;;
+		--)		shift; break;;
+		-*)		echo -e "Invalid option\n"; myhelp; exit 1;;
+		*)		break;;
+	esac
+# /path/to/freebios2/
+test -z "$1" || LBROOT=$1
+xml '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
+xml '<abuild>'
+if [ "$target" != "" ]; then
+	# build a single board
+	VENDOR=`echo $target|cut -f1 -d/`
+	MAINBOARD=`echo $target|cut -f2 -d/`
+	build_target $VENDOR $MAINBOARD
+	# build all boards per default
+	for VENDOR in $( vendors ); do
+		for MAINBOARD in $( mainboards $VENDOR ); do
+			build_target $VENDOR $MAINBOARD
+		done
+	done
+xml '</abuild>'

Deleted: trunk/LinuxBIOSv2/util/abuild/abuild.sh
--- trunk/LinuxBIOSv2/util/abuild/abuild.sh	2006-09-24 23:02:26 UTC (rev 2433)
+++ trunk/LinuxBIOSv2/util/abuild/abuild.sh	2006-09-25 09:15:52 UTC (rev 2434)
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-#  LinuxBIOS autobuild
-#  This script builds LinuxBIOS images for all available targets.
-#  (C) 2004 by Stefan Reinauer <stepan at openbios.org>
-#  (C) 2006 by coresystems GmbH <info at coresystems.de>
-#  This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General
-#  Public License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this
-#  archive for more details.
-#set -x # Turn echo on....
-# Where shall we place all the build trees?
-TARGET=$( pwd )/linuxbios-builds
-XMLFILE=$( pwd )/abuild.xml
-# path to payload. Should be more generic
-# Lines of error context to be printed in FAILURE case
-# One might want to adjust these in case of cross compiling
-# this can be changed to xml by -x
-ARCH=`uname -m | sed -e s/i.86/i386/ -e s/sun4u/sparc64/ \
-	-e s/arm.*/arm/ -e s/sa110/arm/ -e s/x86_64/amd64/ \
-	-e "s/Power Macintosh/ppc/"`
-function debug
-	test "$verbose" == "true" && echo $*
-function xml
-	test "$mode" == "xml" && echo "$*" >> $XMLFILE
-function xmlfile
-	test "$mode" == "xml" && { echo '<![CDATA['; cat $1; echo ']]>'; } >> $XMLFILE
-function vendors
-	# make this a function so we can easily select
-	# without breaking readability
-	ls -1 "$LBROOT/src/mainboard" | grep -v CVS
-function mainboards
-	# make this a function so we can easily select
-	# without breaking readability
-	ls -1 $LBROOT/src/mainboard/$VENDOR | grep -v CVS 
-function architecture
-	cat $LBROOT/src/mainboard/$VENDOR/$MAINBOARD/Config.lb | \
-		grep ^arch | cut -f 2 -d\ 
-function create_config
-	TARCH=$( architecture $VENDOR $MAINBOARD )
-	TARGCONFIG=$LBROOT/targets/$VENDOR/$MAINBOARD/Config-abuild.lb
-        # get a working payload for the board if we have one.
-	if [ -x $payloads/payload.sh ]; then
-		PAYLOAD=`$payloads/payload.sh $VENDOR $MAINBOARD`
-		echo "Using custom payload $PAYLOAD"
-	fi
-	mkdir -p $TARGET
-        if [ -f $TARGCONFIG ]; then
-        	cp $TARGCONFIG $TARGET/Config-${VENDOR}_${MAINBOARD}.lb
-		echo -n "Using existing test target $TARGCONFIG"
-		xml "  <config>$TARGCONFIG</config>"
-	else
-		echo -n "  Creating config file..."
-		xml "  <config>autogenerated</config>"
-		( cat << EOF
-# This will make a target directory of ./VENDOR_MAINBOARD
-option CC="CROSSCC"
-		if [ "$TARCH" == i386 ] ; then
-			cat <<EOF
-romimage "normal"
-	option ROM_IMAGE_SIZE=0x20000
-	option LINUXBIOS_EXTRA_VERSION=".0-normal"
-	payload PAYLOAD
-romimage "fallback" 
-	option ROM_IMAGE_SIZE=0x20000
-	option LINUXBIOS_EXTRA_VERSION=".0-fallback"
-	payload PAYLOAD
-buildrom ./linuxbios.rom ROM_SIZE "normal" "fallback"
-		else
-			cat <<EOF
-romimage "only"
-	payload PAYLOAD
-buildrom ./linuxbios.rom ROM_SIZE "only"
-		fi 
-		) > $TARGET/Config-${VENDOR}_${MAINBOARD}.lb
-	fi
-	sed -i.pre -e s,VENDOR,$VENDOR,g \
-		-e s,PAYLOAD,$PAYLOAD,g \
-		-e s,CROSSCC,"$CC",g \
-		-e s,CROSS_HOSTCC,"$HOSTCC",g \
-	echo " ok"
-function create_builddir
-	echo -n "  Creating builddir..."
-	target_dir=$TARGET
-	config_dir=$LBROOT/util/newconfig
-	yapps2_py=$config_dir/yapps2.py
-	config_g=$config_dir/config.g
-	config_lb=Config-${VENDOR}_${MAINBOARD}.lb
-	cd $target_dir
-	build_dir=${VENDOR}_${MAINBOARD}
-	config_py=$build_dir/config.py
-	if [ ! -d $build_dir ] ; then
-		mkdir -p $build_dir
-	fi
-	if [ ! -f $config_py ]; then
-		$PYTHON $yapps2_py $config_g $config_py &> $build_dir/py.log
-	fi
-	# make sure config.py is up-to-date
-	export PYTHONPATH=$config_dir
-	$PYTHON $config_py $config_lb $LBROOT &> $build_dir/config.log
-	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-		echo "ok"
-		xml "  <builddir>ok</builddir>"
-		xml ""
-		return 0
-	else
-		echo "FAILED! Log excerpt:"
-		xml "  <builddir>failed</builddir>"
-		xml "  <log>"
-		xmlfile $build_dir/config.log
-		xml "  </log>"
-		xml ""
-		tail -n $CONTEXT $build_dir/config.log
-		return 1
-	fi
-function create_buildenv
-	create_config $VENDOR $MAINBOARD
-	create_builddir $VENDOR $MAINBOARD
-function compile_target
-	echo -n "  Compiling image .."
-	CURR=$( pwd )
-	stime=`date +%s`
-	eval $MAKE &> make.log
-	ret=$?
-	etime=`date +%s`
-	duration=$(( $etime - $stime ))
-	if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
-		xml "  <compile>ok</compile>"
-		xml "  <compiletime>${duration}s</compiletime>"
-		echo "ok" > compile.status
-		echo "ok. (took ${duration}s)"
-		cd $CURR
-		return 0
-	else
-		xml "  <compile>failed</compile>"
-		xml "  <compiletime>${duration}s</compiletime>"
-		xml "  <log>"
-		xmlfile make.log
-		xml "  </log>"
-		echo "FAILED after ${duration}s! Log excerpt:"
-		tail -n $CONTEXT make.log
-		cd $CURR
-		return 1
-	fi
-function built_successfully
-	CURR=`pwd`
-	status="fail"
-	if [ -d "$TARGET/${VENDOR}_${MAINBOARD}" ]; then
-		if [ -r compile.status ] ; then
-			status=`cat compile.status`
-		fi
-		cd $CURR
-	fi
-	[ "$buildall" != "true" -a "$status" == "ok" ]
-function build_broken
-	CURR=`pwd`
-	status="yes"
-	[ -r "$LBROOT/src/mainboard/${VENDOR}/${MAINBOARD}/BROKEN" ] && status="no"
-	[ "$buildbroken" == "true" -o "$status" == "yes" ]
-function build_target
-	TARCH=$( architecture $VENDOR $MAINBOARD )
-	# default setting
-	HOSTCC='gcc'
-	echo -n "Processing mainboard/$VENDOR/$MAINBOARD"
-	xml "<mainboard>"
-	xml ""
-	xml "  <vendor>$VENDOR</vendor>"
-	xml "  <device>$MAINBOARD</device>"
-	xml ""
-	xml "  <architecture>$TARCH</architecture>"
-	xml ""
-	[ -r "$LBROOT/src/mainboard/${VENDOR}/${MAINBOARD}/abuild.info" ] && \
-		source $LBROOT/src/mainboard/${VENDOR}/${MAINBOARD}/abuild.info
-	if [ "$ARCH" == "$TARCH" ]; then
-		echo " ($TARCH: ok)"
-	else
-		found_crosscompiler=false
-		if [ "$ARCH" == amd64 -a "$TARCH" == i386 ]; then
-			CC="gcc -m32"
-			found_crosscompiler=true
-		fi
-		if [ "$ARCH" == ppc64 -a "$TARCH" == ppc ]; then
-			CC="gcc -m32"
-			found_crosscompiler=true
-		fi
-		if [ "$found_crosscompiler" == "false" -a "$TARCH" == ppc ];then
-			for prefix in powerpc-eabi- powerpc-linux- ppc_74xx- \
-			    powerpc-7450-linux-gnu-; do
-				if ${prefix}gcc --version > /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then
-					found_crosscompiler=true
-					CROSS_COMPILE=$prefix
-				fi
-			done
-		fi
-		# TBD: look for suitable cross compiler suite
-		# cross-$TARCH-gcc and cross-$TARCH-ld
-		# Check result:
-		if [ $found_crosscompiler == "false" ]; then
-			echo " ($TARCH: skipped, we're $ARCH)"
-			echo
-			xml "  <status>notbuilt</status>"
-			xml ""
-			xml "</mainboard>"
-			return 0
-		else
-			echo " ($TARCH: ok, we're $ARCH)"
-			xml "  <compiler>"
-			xml "    <path>`which ${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc`</path>"
-			xml "    <version>`${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc --version | head -1`</version>"
-			xml "  </compiler>"
-			xml ""
-		fi
-	fi
-	built_successfully $VENDOR $MAINBOARD && \
-	{
-		echo " ( mainboard/$VENDOR/$MAINBOARD previously ok )"
-		echo
-		xml "  <status>previouslyok</status>"
-		xml ""
-		xml "</mainboard>"
-		return 0
-	}
-	build_broken $VENDOR $MAINBOARD || \
-	{
-		echo " ( broken mainboard/$VENDOR/$MAINBOARD skipped )"
-		echo
-		xml "  <status>knownbroken</status>"
-		xml ""
-		xml "</mainboard>"
-		return 0
-	}
-	create_buildenv $VENDOR $MAINBOARD
-	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-		compile_target $VENDOR $MAINBOARD && 
-			xml "<status>ok</status>" ||
-			xml "<status>broken</status>"
-	fi
-	xml ""
-	xml "</mainboard>"
-	echo
-function myhelp
-	echo "Usage: $0 [-v] [-a] [-b] [-t <vendor/board>] [-p <dir>] [lbroot]"
-	echo "       $0 [-V|--version]"
-	echo "       $0 [-h|--help]"
-	echo
-	echo "Options:"
-	echo "    [-v|--verbose]		  print more messages"
-	echo "    [-a|--all]			  build previously succeeded ports as well"
-	echo "    [-b|--broken]		  attempt to build ports that are known broken"
-	echo "    [-t|--target <vendor/board>]  attempt to build target vendor/board only"
-	echo "    [-p|--payloads <dir>]         use payloads in <dir> to build images"
-	echo "    [-V|--version]		  print version number and exit"
-	echo "    [-h|--help]			  print this help and exit"
-	echo "    [-x|--xml]			  write xml log file "
-	echo "                                  (defaults to $XMLFILE)"
-	echo "    [lbroot]			  absolute path to LinuxBIOS sources"
-	echo "				  (defaults to $LBROOT)"
-	echo
-function myversion 
-	cat << EOF
-LinuxBIOS autobuild: V0.3.
-Copyright (C) 2004 by Stefan Reinauer <stepan at openbios.org>
-Copyright (C) 2006 by coresystems GmbH <info at coresystems.de>
-This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms
-of the GNU General Public License. This program has absolutely no
-	myhelp
-# default options
-LBROOT=$( cd ../..; pwd )
-# parse parameters
-args=`getopt -l version,verbose,help,all,target:,broken,payloads: Vvhat:bp: -- "$@"`
-if [ $? != 0 ]; then
-	myhelp
-	exit 1
-eval set "$args"
-while true ; do
-	case "$1" in
-		-x|--xml)       shift; mode=xml; rm -f $XMLFILE ;;
-		-t|--target)	shift; target="$1"; shift;;
-		-a|--all)	shift; buildall=true;;
-		-b|--broken)	shift; buildbroken=true;;
-		-v|--verbose)	shift; verbose=true;;
-		-V|--version)	shift; myversion; exit 0;;
-		-h|--help)	shift; myhelp; exit 0;;
-		-p|--payloads)  shift; payloads="$1"; shift;;
-		--)		shift; break;;
-		-*)		echo -e "Invalid option\n"; myhelp; exit 1;;
-		*)		break;;
-	esac
-# /path/to/freebios2/
-test -z "$1" || LBROOT=$1
-xml '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'
-xml '<abuild>'
-if [ "$target" != "" ]; then
-	# build a single board
-	VENDOR=`echo $target|cut -f1 -d/`
-	MAINBOARD=`echo $target|cut -f2 -d/`
-	build_target $VENDOR $MAINBOARD
-	# build all boards per default
-	for VENDOR in $( vendors ); do
-		for MAINBOARD in $( mainboards $VENDOR ); do
-			build_target $VENDOR $MAINBOARD
-		done
-	done
-xml '</abuild>'

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