[coreboot] The Linux report ACPI error since r4915.

Bao, Zheng Zheng.Bao at amd.com
Fri Nov 6 10:38:30 CET 2009

Does it happen on your board.
Output is attached.



coreboot-2.0.0-r4915M_mahogany_fam10_Fallback Fri Nov  6 18:42:14 CST
2009 starting...

BSP Family_Model: 00100f22 
*sysinfo range: [000cc000,000cdfa0]
bsp_apicid = 00 
cpu_init_detectedx = 00000000 
microcode: equivalent rev id  = 0x1022, current patch id = 0x00000000
microcode: patch id to apply = 0x01000095
microcode: updated to patch id = 0x01000095  success

cpuSetAMDMSR  done
Enter amd_ht_init()
 event class: 05
 event: 2006
 data:  04  00  00  00 
Exit amd_ht_init()
cpuSetAMDPCI 00 done
Prep FID/VID Node:00 
  F3x80: e600a681 
  F3x84: a0e641e6 
  F3xD4: c8810f25 
  F3xD8: 03001815 
  F3xDC: 00005128 
Wait all core0s started 
Wait all core0s started done
init node: 00  cores: 03 
Start other core - nodeid: 00  cores: 03
started ap apicid:    cccooorrreeexxx:::      ---------   {{{
EIIIDDD   ===   000000   CCCOOORRREEEIIIDDD   ===   000321}}}

AmPmmiii scccrtrrooaocccrtooodeddeede::::    0eeeq1qquuuAiPiivv
vaaastllleaeennrntttt   edrrre:eevv v   0iii2Addd P      ===st   a
000xrxx11t1000ed2222:22,, ,   0ccc3uuur
rrrrrreseenn7nttt8   0_pppaeaattatcccrhhhly   _iiidsdd  e ===tu

u_rev mmEmAiiicXccrr=rooo0cccx1oood0ddee0e:::f2   p2ppaa.attt
ccchhhC   PUiiid dd  R ttteooov    iaaapspppp plllK8yyy _  ==1=

deee:::   uuupppdddaaattteeeddd   tttooo   pppaaatttccchhh   iiiddd
===   000xxx000111000000000000999555      sssuuuccccccee


0cccpp0puuu_SSSeaeeetrttAAlAMMMy_DDDMsMMSSeSRRtR   up()   ddd

11))s)b   aa7appp00iii_cccidiidded:::vi   000c32e1s_

FpFFIIoIDDDr_VVVIiIIDnDD  i ooot(nnn )  AA:APPP S::: M  0B0032u1s 

Device, BDF:0-20-0
SMBus controller enabled, sb revision is A14
sb700_devices_por_init(): IDE Device, BDF:0-20-1
sb700_devices_por_init(): LPC Device, BDF:0-20-3
sb700_devices_por_init(): P2P Bridge, BDF:0-20-4
sb700_devices_por_init(): SATA Device, BDF:0-18-0

Begin FIDVID MSR 0xc0010071 0x28ae00c1 0x30015047 
FIDVID on BSP, APIC_id: 00
BSP fid = 10500
Wait for AP stage 1: ap_apicid = 1
	readback = 1010501
	common_fid(packed) = 10500
Wait for AP stage 1: ap_apicid = 2
	readback = 2010501
	common_fid(packed) = 10500
Wait for AP stage 1: ap_apicid = 3
	readback = 3010501
	common_fid(packed) = 10500
common_fid = 10500
FID Change Node:00, F3xD4: c8810f25 
End FIDVIDMSR 0xc0010071 0x28ae00c1 0x30015047 
rs780_htinit cpu_ht_freq=a.
rs780_htinit: HT3 mode

coreboot-2.0.0-r4915M_mahogany_fam10_Fallback Fri Nov  6 18:42:14 CST
2009 starting...

BSP Family_Model: 00100f22 
*sysinfo range: [000cc000,000cdfa0]
bsp_apicid = 00 
cpu_init_detectedx = 00000000 
microcode: equivalent rev id  = 0x1022, current patch id = 0x00000000
microcode: patch id to apply = 0x01000095
microcode: updated to patch id = 0x01000095  success

cpuSetAMDMSR  done
Enter amd_ht_init()
 event class: 05
 event: 2006
 data:  04  00  00  00 
Exit amd_ht_init()
cpuSetAMDPCI 00 done
Prep FID/VID Node:00 
  F3x80: e600a681 
  F3x84: a0e641e6 
  F3xD4: c8810f25 
  F3xD8: 03001815 
  F3xDC: 00005128 
Wait all core0s started 
Wait all core0s started done
init node: 00  cores: 03 
Start other core - nodeid: 00  cores: 03
started ap apicid:    cccooorrreeexxx:::      ---------   {{{
EIIIDDD   ===   000000   CCCOOORRREEEIIIDDD   ===   000213}}}

APmmmiii cscctrrrooaorcccoootdeddeeed::::    ee0eq1qquuuAiiiPv
vvsaaalltlaeeennnrtttt   errdr:eeevv v 0  iii2dAdd   P    s===  t 0
a00xxxr1t11e00022d22:22,,,  0  3cccuuu
rrrrrrreese7nnnttt8 0  ppp_aaeaatttccrchlhh   y_iiiddds e  ===t  u

_rev mEmmiiiAccXc=rrroo0ocxccooo1d0ddeee0::f:2   ppp2a.aattt
ccchhhC  P Uiiidd d R  tttevooo    aiaapppsp ppKlllyy8y_   ==1= 0

ddeee:::   uuupppdddaaattteeeddd   tttooo   pppaaatttccchhh   iiiddd
===   000xxx000111000000000000999555      sssuuucccccceee


7cccppp0uu0u_SSSeeeetattAAArMMlMyDDDMM_MSsSSRRRe t  up( )  dddo

(  aaa)pppiii
ccsciibi7ddd:::0 0  000_13d2e

ices_por_init(): SMBus Device, BDF:0-20-0
SMBus controller enabled, sb revision is A14
sb700_devices_por_init(): IDE Device, BDF:0-20-1
sb700_devices_por_init(): LPC Device, BDF:0-20-3
sb700_devices_por_init(): P2P Bridge, BDF:0-20-4
sb700_devices_por_init(): SATA Device, BDF:0-18-0

Begin FIDVID MSR 0xc0010071 0x28ae00c1 0x30013047 
End FIDVIDMSR 0xc0010071 0x28ae00c1 0x30003007 
rs780_htinit cpu_ht_freq=a.
rs780_htinit: HT3 mode
raminit_amdmct begin:
mctAutoInitMCT_D: mct_init Node 00000000
mctAutoInitMCT_D: clear_legacy_Mode
mctAutoInitMCT_D: mct_InitialMCT_D
	mct_InitialMCT_D: Set Cl, Wb
mctAutoInitMCT_D: mctSMBhub_Init
mctAutoInitMCT_D: mct_initDCT
	mct_initDCT: DCTInit_D 0
	 DIMMPresence: i=00000000
	 DIMMPresence: smbaddr=00000050
	 DIMMPresence: i=00000001
	 DIMMPresence: smbaddr=00000051
	 DIMMPresence: i=00000002
	 DIMMPresence: smbaddr=00000052
	 DIMMPresence: i=00000003
	 DIMMPresence: smbaddr=00000053
	 DIMMPresence: i=00000004
	 DIMMPresence: smbaddr=00000000
	 DIMMPresence: i=00000005
	 DIMMPresence: smbaddr=00000000
	 DIMMPresence: i=00000006
	 DIMMPresence: smbaddr=00000000
	 DIMMPresence: i=00000007
	 DIMMPresence: smbaddr=00000000
	 DIMMPresence: DIMMValid=00000003
	 DIMMPresence: DIMMPresent=00000003
	 DIMMPresence: RegDIMMPresent=00000000
	 DIMMPresence: DimmECCPresent=00000000
	 DIMMPresence: DimmPARPresent=00000000
	 DIMMPresence: Dimmx4Present=00000000
	 DIMMPresence: Dimmx8Present=00000003
	 DIMMPresence: Dimmx16Present=00000000
	 DIMMPresence: DimmPlPresent=00000003
	 DIMMPresence: DimmDRPresent=00000000
	 DIMMPresence: DimmQRPresent=00000000
	 DIMMPresence: DATAload[0]=00000001
	 DIMMPresence: MAload[0]=00000008
	 DIMMPresence: MAdimms[0]=00000001
	 DIMMPresence: DATAload[1]=00000001
	 DIMMPresence: MAload[1]=00000008
	 DIMMPresence: MAdimms[1]=00000001
	 DIMMPresence: Status 00001000
	 DIMMPresence: ErrStatus 00000000
	 DIMMPresence: ErrCode 00000000
	 DIMMPresence: Done
		DCTInit_D: mct_DIMMPresence Done
SPDCalcWidth: Status 00001000
SPDCalcWidth: ErrStatus 00000010
SPDCalcWidth: ErrCode 00000000
SPDCalcWidth: Done
		DCTInit_D: mct_SPDCalcWidth Done
SPDGetTCL_D: DIMMAutoSpeed 00000004
SPDGetTCL_D: Status 00001000
SPDGetTCL_D: ErrStatus 00000010
SPDGetTCL_D: ErrCode 00000000
AutoCycTiming: DramTimingLo 007dfb35
AutoCycTiming: DramTimingHi 00220300
AutoCycTiming: Status 00001000
AutoCycTiming: ErrStatus 00000010
AutoCycTiming: ErrCode 00000000
AutoCycTiming: Done
		DCTInit_D: AutoCycTiming_D Done
AutoConfig_D: DCT: 00000000
SPDSetBanks: Status 00001000
SPDSetBanks: ErrStatus 00000010
SPDSetBanks: ErrCode 00000000
SPDSetBanks: Done
AfterStitch DCT0 and DCT1: DRAM Controller Select Low Register =
AfterStitch DCT0 and DCT1: DRAM Controller Select High Register =
AfterStitch pDCTstat->NodeSysBase = 00000000
mct_AfterStitchMemory: pDCTstat->NodeSysLimit 003fffff
StitchMemory: Status 00001000
StitchMemory: ErrStatus 00000010
StitchMemory: ErrCode 00000000
StitchMemory: Done
InterleaveBanks_D: Status 00001000
InterleaveBanks_D: ErrStatus 00000090
InterleaveBanks_D: ErrCode 00000000
InterleaveBanks_D: Done
DramTimingLo: val=00000002
DramTimingLo: val=00000000
DramTimingLo: val=00000008
DramTimingLo: val=00000008
DramTimingLo: val=00000002
DramTimingLo: val=00000000
DramTimingLo: val=00000002
DramTimingLo: val=00000000
AutoConfig_D: DramControl: 00000005
AutoConfig_D: DramTimingLo: 5d7dfb35
AutoConfig_D: DramConfigMisc: 00000000
AutoConfig_D: DramConfigMisc2: 00000000
AutoConfig_D: DramConfigLo: 00010010
AutoConfig_D: DramConfigHi: 7f48800b
AutoConfig: Status 00001000
AutoConfig: ErrStatus 00000090
AutoConfig: ErrCode 00000000
AutoConfig: Done
		DCTInit_D: AutoConfig_D Done
dct: 00000000
Speed: 00000004
4 CH_ODC_CTL: 20113222
4 CH_ADDR_TMG: 00202520
		DCTInit_D: PlatformSpec_D Done
		DCTInit_D: StartupDCT_D
			StartupDCT_D: MemClkFreqVal
			StartupDCT_D: DqsRcvEnTrain set 
			StartupDCT_D: DramInit 
	mct_initDCT: DCTInit_D 1
		DCTInit_D: mct_DIMMPresence Done
SPDCalcWidth: Status 00001000
SPDCalcWidth: ErrStatus 00000090
SPDCalcWidth: ErrCode 00000000
SPDCalcWidth: Done
		DCTInit_D: mct_SPDCalcWidth Done
AutoCycTiming: DramTimingLo 007dfb35
AutoCycTiming: DramTimingHi 00220300
AutoCycTiming: Status 00001000
AutoCycTiming: ErrStatus 00000090
AutoCycTiming: ErrCode 00000000
AutoCycTiming: Done
		DCTInit_D: AutoCycTiming_D Done
AutoConfig_D: DCT: 00000001
SPDSetBanks: Status 00001000
SPDSetBanks: ErrStatus 00000090
SPDSetBanks: ErrCode 00000000
SPDSetBanks: Done
AfterStitch pDCTstat->NodeSysBase = 00000000
mct_AfterStitchMemory: pDCTstat->NodeSysLimit 007ffffe
StitchMemory: Status 00001000
StitchMemory: ErrStatus 00000090
StitchMemory: ErrCode 00000000
StitchMemory: Done
InterleaveBanks_D: Status 00001000
InterleaveBanks_D: ErrStatus 00000090
InterleaveBanks_D: ErrCode 00000000
InterleaveBanks_D: Done
DramTimingLo: val=00000002
DramTimingLo: val=00000000
DramTimingLo: val=00000008
DramTimingLo: val=00000008
DramTimingLo: val=00000002
DramTimingLo: val=00000000
DramTimingLo: val=00000002
DramTimingLo: val=00000000
AutoConfig_D: DramControl: 00000005
AutoConfig_D: DramTimingLo: 5d7dfb35
AutoConfig_D: DramConfigMisc: 00000000
AutoConfig_D: DramConfigMisc2: 00000000
AutoConfig_D: DramConfigLo: 00010010
AutoConfig_D: DramConfigHi: 7f48800b
AutoConfig: Status 00001000
AutoConfig: ErrStatus 00000090
AutoConfig: ErrCode 00000000
AutoConfig: Done
		DCTInit_D: AutoConfig_D Done
dct: 00000001
Speed: 00000004
4 CH_ODC_CTL: 20113222
4 CH_ADDR_TMG: 00202520
		DCTInit_D: PlatformSpec_D Done
		DCTInit_D: StartupDCT_D
			StartupDCT_D: MemClkFreqVal
			StartupDCT_D: DqsRcvEnTrain set 
			StartupDCT_D: DramInit 
mctAutoInitMCT_D: mct_init Node 00000001
mctAutoInitMCT_D: mct_init Node 00000002
mctAutoInitMCT_D: mct_init Node 00000003
mctAutoInitMCT_D: mct_init Node 00000004
mctAutoInitMCT_D: mct_init Node 00000005
mctAutoInitMCT_D: mct_init Node 00000006
mctAutoInitMCT_D: mct_init Node 00000007
mctAutoInitMCT_D: SyncDCTsReady_D
mct_SyncDCTsReady: Node 00000000
mct_SyncDCTsReady: DramEnabled
mctAutoInitMCT_D: HTMemMapInit_D
 Node: 00  base: 00  limit: 7fffff  BottomIO: e00000
mctAutoInitMCT_D: CPUMemTyping_D
	 CPUMemTyping: Cache32bTOP:00800000
	 CPUMemTyping: Bottom32bIO:00800000
	 CPUMemTyping: Bottom40bIO:00000000
mctAutoInitMCT_D: DQSTiming_D
DQSTiming_D: mct_BeforeDQSTrain_D:
DQSTiming_D: TrainReceiverEn_D FirstPass:
TrainRcvrEn: 1
TrainRcvrEn: 2
TrainRcvrEn: 3
TrainRcvrEn: 4
			Rank not enabled_D
			Rank not enabled_D
			Rank not enabled_D
			Rank not enabled_D
			Rank not enabled_D
			Rank not enabled_D
TrainRcvrEn: mct_DisableDQSRcvEn_D
TrainRcvrEn: Status 00001000
TrainRcvrEn: ErrStatus 00000090
TrainRcvrEn: ErrCode 00000000
TrainRcvrEn: Done
DQSTiming_D: mct_TrainDQSPos_D
TrainDQSRdWrPos: Status 00001200
TrainDQSRdWrPos: TrainErrors 00000000
TrainDQSRdWrPos: ErrStatus 00000090
TrainDQSRdWrPos: ErrCode 00000000
TrainDQSRdWrPos: Done
TrainDQSRdWrPos: Status 00001200
TrainDQSRdWrPos: TrainErrors 00000000
TrainDQSRdWrPos: ErrStatus 00000090
TrainDQSRdWrPos: ErrCode 00000000
TrainDQSRdWrPos: Done
TrainDQSRdWrPos: Status 00001200
TrainDQSRdWrPos: TrainErrors 00000000
TrainDQSRdWrPos: ErrStatus 00000090
TrainDQSRdWrPos: ErrCode 00000000
TrainDQSRdWrPos: Done
TrainDQSRdWrPos: Status 00001200
TrainDQSRdWrPos: TrainErrors 00000000
TrainDQSRdWrPos: ErrStatus 00000090
TrainDQSRdWrPos: ErrCode 00000000
TrainDQSRdWrPos: Done
DQSTiming_D: mctSetEccDQSRcvrEn_D
DQSTiming_D: TrainMaxReadLatency_D
DQSTiming_D: mct_EndDQSTraining_D
DQSTiming_D: MCTMemClr_D
mctAutoInitMCT_D: UMAMemTyping_D
mctAutoInitMCT_D: :OtherTiming
InterleaveNodes_D: Status 00001200
InterleaveNodes_D: ErrStatus 00000090
InterleaveNodes_D: ErrCode 00000000
InterleaveNodes_D: Done
InterleaveChannels: F2x110 DRAM Controller Select Low Register =
InterleaveChannels_D: Node 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: Status 00001200
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrStatus 00000090
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrCode 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: Node 00000001
InterleaveChannels_D: Status 00001000
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrStatus 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrCode 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: Node 00000002
InterleaveChannels_D: Status 00001000
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrStatus 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrCode 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: Node 00000003
InterleaveChannels_D: Status 00001000
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrStatus 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrCode 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: Node 00000004
InterleaveChannels_D: Status 00001000
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrStatus 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrCode 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: Node 00000005
InterleaveChannels_D: Status 00001000
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrStatus 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrCode 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: Node 00000006
InterleaveChannels_D: Status 00001000
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrStatus 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrCode 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: Node 00000007
InterleaveChannels_D: Status 00001000
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrStatus 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: ErrCode 00000000
InterleaveChannels_D: Done
mctAutoInitMCT_D: ECCInit_D
 ECCInit 0 
 ECCInit 1 
 ECCInit 2 
 ECCInit 3 
	mct_FinalMCT_D: Clr Cl, Wb
All Done
raminit_amdmct end:

*** Yes, the copy/decompress is taking a while, FIXME!
testx = 5a5a5a5a
Copying data from cache to RAM -- switching to use RAM as stack... Done
testx = 5a5a5a5a
Disabling cache as ram now 
Clearing initial memory region: Done
Loading stage image.
Check CBFS header at fff7efe0
magic is 4f524243
Found CBFS header at fff7efe0
Check fallback/payload
CBFS: follow chain: fff00000 + 38 + 15a68 + align -> fff15ac0
Check fallback/coreboot_ram
Stage: loading fallback/coreboot_ram @ 0x200000 (1024000 bytes), entry @
Stage: done loading.
Jumping to image.
coreboot-2.0.0-r4915M_mahogany_fam10_Fallback Fri Nov  6 18:42:14 CST
2009 booting...
Enumerating buses...
Show all devs...Before Device Enumeration.
Root Device: enabled 1, 0 resources
APIC_CLUSTER: 0: enabled 1, 0 resources
APIC: 00: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:18.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:00.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:01.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:05.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:02.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:03.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:04.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:05.0: enabled 0, 0 resources
PCI: 00:06.0: enabled 0, 0 resources
PCI: 00:07.0: enabled 0, 0 resources
PCI: 00:08.0: enabled 0, 0 resources
PCI: 00:09.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:0a.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:11.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:12.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:12.1: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:12.2: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:13.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:13.1: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:13.2: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:14.5: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:14.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
I2C: 00:50: enabled 1, 0 resources
I2C: 00:51: enabled 1, 0 resources
I2C: 00:52: enabled 1, 0 resources
I2C: 00:53: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:14.1: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:14.2: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:14.3: enabled 1, 0 resources
PNP: 002e.0: enabled 0, 3 resources
PNP: 002e.1: enabled 1, 2 resources
PNP: 002e.2: enabled 0, 2 resources
PNP: 002e.3: enabled 0, 2 resources
PNP: 002e.4: enabled 0, 0 resources
PNP: 002e.5: enabled 1, 3 resources
PNP: 002e.6: enabled 1, 1 resources
PNP: 002e.7: enabled 0, 0 resources
PNP: 002e.8: enabled 0, 2 resources
PNP: 002e.9: enabled 0, 1 resources
PNP: 002e.a: enabled 0, 0 resources
PCI: 00:14.4: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:18.1: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:18.2: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:18.3: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:18.4: enabled 1, 0 resources
Compare with tree...
Root Device: enabled 1, 0 resources
 APIC_CLUSTER: 0: enabled 1, 0 resources
  APIC: 00: enabled 1, 0 resources
 PCI_DOMAIN: 0000: enabled 1, 0 resources
  PCI: 00:18.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:00.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:01.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
    PCI: 00:05.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:02.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:03.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:04.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:05.0: enabled 0, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:06.0: enabled 0, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:07.0: enabled 0, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:08.0: enabled 0, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:09.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:0a.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:11.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:12.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:12.1: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:12.2: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:13.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:13.1: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:13.2: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:14.5: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:14.0: enabled 1, 0 resources
    I2C: 00:50: enabled 1, 0 resources
    I2C: 00:51: enabled 1, 0 resources
    I2C: 00:52: enabled 1, 0 resources
    I2C: 00:53: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:14.1: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:14.2: enabled 1, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:14.3: enabled 1, 0 resources
    PNP: 002e.0: enabled 0, 3 resources
    PNP: 002e.1: enabled 1, 2 resources
    PNP: 002e.2: enabled 0, 2 resources
    PNP: 002e.3: enabled 0, 2 resources
    PNP: 002e.4: enabled 0, 0 resources
    PNP: 002e.5: enabled 1, 3 resources
    PNP: 002e.6: enabled 1, 1 resources
    PNP: 002e.7: enabled 0, 0 resources
    PNP: 002e.8: enabled 0, 2 resources
    PNP: 002e.9: enabled 0, 1 resources
    PNP: 002e.a: enabled 0, 0 resources
   PCI: 00:14.4: enabled 1, 0 resources
  PCI: 00:18.1: enabled 1, 0 resources
  PCI: 00:18.2: enabled 1, 0 resources
  PCI: 00:18.3: enabled 1, 0 resources
  PCI: 00:18.4: enabled 1, 0 resources
Mainboard MAHOGANY Enable. dev=0x00223470
mahogany_enable, TOP MEM: msr.lo = 0x80000000, msr.hi = 0x00000000
mahogany_enable, TOP MEM2: msr2.lo = 0x00000000, msr2.hi = 0x00000000
mahogany_enable: uma size 0x10000000, memory start 0x70000000
PCI: Using configuration type 1
scan_static_bus for Root Device
APIC_CLUSTER: 0 enabled
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 enabled
APIC_CLUSTER: 0 scanning...
PCI: 00:18.0 links increase to 8
  PCI: 00:18.3 siblings=3
CPU: APIC: 00 enabled
malloc Enter, size 1100, free_mem_ptr 0023a000
malloc 0023a000
CPU: APIC: 01 enabled
malloc Enter, size 1100, free_mem_ptr 0023a44c
malloc 0023a44c
CPU: APIC: 02 enabled
malloc Enter, size 1100, free_mem_ptr 0023a898
malloc 0023a898
CPU: APIC: 03 enabled
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 scanning...
PCI: pci_scan_bus for bus 00
PCI: 00:18.0 [1022/1200] bus ops
PCI: 00:18.0 [1022/1200] enabled
PCI: 00:18.1 [1022/1201] enabled
PCI: 00:18.2 [1022/1202] enabled
PCI: 00:18.3 [1022/1203] ops
PCI: 00:18.3 [1022/1203] enabled
PCI: 00:18.4 [1022/1204] enabled
PCI: 00:18.5, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:18.6, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:18.7, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:19.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:1a.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:1b.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:1c.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:1d.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:1e.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:1f.0, bad id 0xffffffff
rs780_enable: dev=00225b30, VID_DID=0x96001022
Bus-0, Dev-0, Fun-0.
gpp_sb_init nb_dev=0x00225b30, dev=0x00227d90, port=0x00000008
NB_PCI_REG04 = 6.
NB_PCI_REG84 = 3000095.
NB_PCI_REG4C = 52042.
PCI: 00:00.0 [1022/9600] ops
PCI: 00:00.0 [1022/9600] enabled
Capability: type 0x08 @ 0xc4
flags: 0x0180
PCI: 00:00.0 count: 000c static_count: 0015
PCI: 00:00.0 [1022/9600] enabled next_unitid: 0015
PCI: 00:14.0
PCI: 00:14.1
PCI: 00:14.2
PCI: 00:14.3
PCI: 00:14.4
HT: Left over static devices.  Check your Config.lb
PCI: pci_scan_bus for bus 00
rs780_enable: dev=00225b30, VID_DID=0x96001022
Bus-0, Dev-0, Fun-0.
gpp_sb_init nb_dev=0x00225b30, dev=0x00227d90, port=0x00000008
NB_PCI_REG04 = 6.
NB_PCI_REG84 = 3000095.
NB_PCI_REG4C = 52042.
PCI: 00:00.0 [1022/9600] enabled
rs780_enable: dev=00225f7c, VID_DID=0x96021022
Bus-0, Dev-1, Fun-0.
GC is accessible from now on.
Capability: type 0x08 @ 0x44
Capability: type 0x0d @ 0xb0
Capability: type 0x08 @ 0x44
Capability: type 0x08 @ 0x44
Capability: type 0x0d @ 0xb0
Capability: type 0x08 @ 0x44
Capability: type 0x0d @ 0xb0
PCI: 00:01.0 [1022/9602] enabled
rs780_enable: dev=002263c8, VID_DID=0x96031022
Bus-0, Dev-2,3, Fun-0. enable=1
rs780_gfx_init, nb_dev=0x00225b30, dev=0x002263c8, port=0x2.
rs780_gfx_init step1.
rs780_gfx_init step2.
misc 28 = 541
rs780_gfx_init step5.9.12.1.
rs780_gfx_init step5.9.12.3.
rs780_gfx_init step5.9.12.9.
PcieLinkTraining port=2:lc current state=4000102
Disabling static device: PCI: 00:02.0
PCI: 00:02.1, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:02.2, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:02.3, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:02.4, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:02.5, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:02.6, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:02.7, bad id 0xffffffff
rs780_enable: dev=00226814, VID_DID=0x960b1022
Bus-0, Dev-2,3, Fun-0. enable=1
rs780_gfx_init, nb_dev=0x00225b30, dev=0x00226814, port=0x3.
rs780_gfx_init step1.
rs780_gfx_init step2.
misc 28 = 541
rs780_gfx_init step5.9.12.1.
rs780_gfx_init step5.9.12.3.
rs780_gfx_init step5.9.12.9.
PcieLinkTraining port=3:lc current state=4000102
Disabling static device: PCI: 00:03.0
PCI: 00:03.1, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:03.2, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:03.3, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:03.4, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:03.5, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:03.6, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:03.7, bad id 0xffffffff
rs780_enable: dev=00226c60, VID_DID=0x96041022
Bus-0, Dev-4,5,6,7, Fun-0. enable=1
gpp_sb_init nb_dev=0x00225b30, dev=0x00226c60, port=0x00000004
PcieLinkTraining port=4:lc current state=10203
PcieTrainPort port=0x4 result=0
Capability: type 0x01 @ 0x50
Capability: type 0x10 @ 0x58
Capability: type 0x05 @ 0xa0
Capability: type 0x0d @ 0xb0
Capability: type 0x08 @ 0xb8
Capability: type 0x01 @ 0x50
Capability: type 0x10 @ 0x58
Capability: type 0x05 @ 0xa0
Capability: type 0x0d @ 0xb0
Capability: type 0x08 @ 0xb8
Capability: type 0x01 @ 0x50
Capability: type 0x10 @ 0x58
Capability: type 0x05 @ 0xa0
Capability: type 0x0d @ 0xb0
Capability: type 0x08 @ 0xb8
Capability: type 0x01 @ 0x50
Capability: type 0x10 @ 0x58
PCI: 00:04.0 subordinate bus PCI Express
PCI: 00:04.0 [1022/9604] enabled
rs780_enable: dev=002270ac, VID_DID=0x96051022
Bus-0, Dev-4,5,6,7, Fun-0. enable=0
PCI: 00:05.1, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:05.2, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:05.3, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:05.4, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:05.5, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:05.6, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:05.7, bad id 0xffffffff
rs780_enable: dev=002274f8, VID_DID=0x96061022
Bus-0, Dev-4,5,6,7, Fun-0. enable=0
PCI: 00:06.1, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:06.2, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:06.3, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:06.4, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:06.5, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:06.6, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:06.7, bad id 0xffffffff
rs780_enable: dev=00227944, VID_DID=0x96071022
Bus-0, Dev-4,5,6,7, Fun-0. enable=0
PCI: 00:07.1, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:07.2, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:07.3, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:07.4, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:07.5, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:07.6, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:07.7, bad id 0xffffffff
rs780_enable: dev=00227d90, VID_DID=0xffffffff
Bus-0, Dev-8, Fun-0. enable=0
PCI: 00:08.1, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:08.2, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:08.3, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:08.4, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:08.5, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:08.6, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:08.7, bad id 0xffffffff
rs780_enable: dev=002281dc, VID_DID=0x96081022
Bus-0, Dev-9, 10, Fun-0. enable=1
gpp_sb_init nb_dev=0x00225b30, dev=0x002281dc, port=0x00000009
PcieLinkTraining port=9:lc current state=a0b0f10
PcieTrainPort reg=0x10000
PcieTrainPort port=0x9 result=1
Capability: type 0x01 @ 0x50
Capability: type 0x10 @ 0x58
Capability: type 0x05 @ 0xa0
Capability: type 0x0d @ 0xb0
Capability: type 0x08 @ 0xb8
Capability: type 0x01 @ 0x50
Capability: type 0x10 @ 0x58
Capability: type 0x05 @ 0xa0
Capability: type 0x0d @ 0xb0
Capability: type 0x08 @ 0xb8
Capability: type 0x01 @ 0x50
Capability: type 0x10 @ 0x58
Capability: type 0x05 @ 0xa0
Capability: type 0x0d @ 0xb0
Capability: type 0x08 @ 0xb8
Capability: type 0x01 @ 0x50
Capability: type 0x10 @ 0x58
PCI: 00:09.0 subordinate bus PCI Express
PCI: 00:09.0 [1022/9608] enabled
rs780_enable: dev=00228628, VID_DID=0x96091022
Bus-0, Dev-9, 10, Fun-0. enable=1
gpp_sb_init nb_dev=0x00225b30, dev=0x00228628, port=0x0000000a
PcieLinkTraining port=a:lc current state=10203
PcieTrainPort port=0xa result=0
Capability: type 0x01 @ 0x50
Capability: type 0x10 @ 0x58
Capability: type 0x05 @ 0xa0
Capability: type 0x0d @ 0xb0
Capability: type 0x08 @ 0xb8
Capability: type 0x01 @ 0x50
Capability: type 0x10 @ 0x58
Capability: type 0x05 @ 0xa0
Capability: type 0x0d @ 0xb0
Capability: type 0x08 @ 0xb8
Capability: type 0x01 @ 0x50
Capability: type 0x10 @ 0x58
Capability: type 0x05 @ 0xa0
Capability: type 0x0d @ 0xb0
Capability: type 0x08 @ 0xb8
Capability: type 0x01 @ 0x50
Capability: type 0x10 @ 0x58
PCI: 00:0a.0 subordinate bus PCI Express
PCI: 00:0a.0 [1022/9609] enabled
PCI: 00:0b.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:0c.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:0d.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:0e.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:0f.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:10.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:11.0 [1002/4390] ops
PCI: 00:11.0 [1002/4390] enabled
PCI: 00:12.0 [1002/4397] ops
PCI: 00:12.0 [1002/4397] enabled
PCI: 00:12.1 [1002/4398] ops
PCI: 00:12.1 [1002/4398] enabled
PCI: 00:12.2 [1002/4396] ops
PCI: 00:12.2 [1002/4396] enabled
PCI: 00:12.3, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:12.4, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:12.5, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:12.6, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:12.7, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:13.0 [1002/4397] ops
PCI: 00:13.0 [1002/4397] enabled
PCI: 00:13.1 [1002/4398] ops
PCI: 00:13.1 [1002/4398] enabled
PCI: 00:13.2 [1002/4396] ops
PCI: 00:13.2 [1002/4396] enabled
PCI: 00:13.3, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:13.4, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:13.5, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:13.6, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:13.7, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:14.0 [1002/4385] bus ops
PCI: 00:14.0 [1002/4385] enabled
PCI: 00:14.1 [1002/439c] ops
PCI: 00:14.1 [1002/439c] enabled
PCI: 00:14.2 [1002/4383] ops
PCI: 00:14.2 [1002/4383] enabled
PCI: 00:14.3 [1002/439d] bus ops
PCI: 00:14.3 [1002/439d] enabled
PCI: 00:14.4 [1002/4384] bus ops
PCI: 00:14.4 [1002/4384] enabled
PCI: 00:14.5 [1002/4399] ops
PCI: 00:14.5 [1002/4399] enabled
PCI: 00:14.6, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 00:14.7, bad id 0xffffffff
do_pci_scan_bridge for PCI: 00:01.0
PCI: pci_scan_bus for bus 01
PCI: 01:00.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:01.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:02.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:03.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:04.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:05.0 [1002/9615] ops
rs780_internal_gfx_enable dev = 0x00228a78, nb_dev = 0x00225b30.
sysmem = 0_80000000
PCI: 01:05.0 [1002/9615] enabled
PCI: 01:06.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:07.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:08.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:09.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:0a.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:0b.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:0c.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:0d.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:0e.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:0f.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:10.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:11.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:12.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:13.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:14.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:15.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:16.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:17.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:18.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:19.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:1a.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:1b.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:1c.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:1d.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:1e.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 01:1f.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: pci_scan_bus returning with max=001
do_pci_scan_bridge returns max 1
do_pci_scan_bridge for PCI: 00:04.0
PCI: pci_scan_bus for bus 02
PCI: 02:00.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:01.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:02.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:03.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:04.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:05.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:06.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:07.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:08.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:09.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:0a.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:0b.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:0c.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:0d.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:0e.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:0f.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:10.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:11.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:12.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:13.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:14.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:15.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:16.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:17.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:18.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:19.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:1a.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:1b.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:1c.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:1d.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:1e.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 02:1f.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: pci_scan_bus returning with max=002
do_pci_scan_bridge returns max 2
do_pci_scan_bridge for PCI: 00:09.0
PCI: pci_scan_bus for bus 03
malloc Enter, size 1100, free_mem_ptr 0023ace4
malloc 0023ace4
PCI: 03:00.0 [10ec/8168] enabled
PCI: 03:01.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:02.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:03.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:04.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:05.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:06.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:07.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:08.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:09.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:0a.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:0b.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:0c.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:0d.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:0e.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:0f.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:10.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:11.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:12.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:13.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:14.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:15.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:16.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:17.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:18.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:19.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:1a.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:1b.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:1c.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:1d.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:1e.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 03:1f.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: pci_scan_bus returning with max=003
Capability: type 0x01 @ 0x40
Capability: type 0x05 @ 0x50
Capability: type 0x10 @ 0x70
do_pci_scan_bridge returns max 3
do_pci_scan_bridge for PCI: 00:0a.0
PCI: pci_scan_bus for bus 04
PCI: 04:00.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:01.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:02.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:03.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:04.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:05.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:06.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:07.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:08.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:09.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:0a.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:0b.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:0c.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:0d.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:0e.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:0f.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:10.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:11.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:12.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:13.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:14.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:15.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:16.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:17.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:18.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:19.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:1a.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:1b.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:1c.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:1d.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:1e.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 04:1f.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: pci_scan_bus returning with max=004
do_pci_scan_bridge returns max 4
scan_static_bus for PCI: 00:14.0
smbus: PCI: 00:14.0[0]->I2C: 01:50 enabled
smbus: PCI: 00:14.0[0]->I2C: 01:51 enabled
smbus: PCI: 00:14.0[0]->I2C: 01:52 enabled
smbus: PCI: 00:14.0[0]->I2C: 01:53 enabled
scan_static_bus for PCI: 00:14.0 done
scan_static_bus for PCI: 00:14.3
PNP: 002e.0 disabled
PNP: 002e.1 enabled
PNP: 002e.2 disabled
PNP: 002e.3 disabled
PNP: 002e.4 disabled
PNP: 002e.5 enabled
PNP: 002e.6 enabled
PNP: 002e.7 disabled
PNP: 002e.8 disabled
PNP: 002e.9 disabled
PNP: 002e.a disabled
scan_static_bus for PCI: 00:14.3 done
do_pci_scan_bridge for PCI: 00:14.4
PCI: pci_scan_bus for bus 05
PCI: 05:00.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:01.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:02.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:03.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:04.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:05.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:06.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:07.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:08.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:09.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:0a.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:0b.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:0c.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:0d.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:0e.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:0f.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:10.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:11.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:12.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:13.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:14.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:15.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:16.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:17.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:18.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:19.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:1a.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:1b.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:1c.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:1d.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:1e.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: 05:1f.0, bad id 0xffffffff
PCI: pci_scan_bus returning with max=005
do_pci_scan_bridge returns max 5
PCI: pci_scan_bus returning with max=005
PCI: pci_scan_bus returning with max=005
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 passpw: enabled
scan_static_bus for Root Device done
Setting up VGA for PCI: 01:05.0
Setting PCI_BRIDGE_CTL_VGA for bridge PCI: 00:01.0
Setting PCI_BRIDGE_CTL_VGA for bridge PCI: 00:18.0
Setting PCI_BRIDGE_CTL_VGA for bridge PCI_DOMAIN: 0000
Setting PCI_BRIDGE_CTL_VGA for bridge Root Device
Allocating resources...
Reading resources...
Root Device read_resources bus 0 link: 0
APIC_CLUSTER: 0 read_resources bus 0 link: 0
APIC: 00 missing read_resources
APIC: 01 missing read_resources
APIC: 02 missing read_resources
APIC: 03 missing read_resources
APIC_CLUSTER: 0 read_resources bus 0 link: 0 done
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 read_resources bus 0 link: 0
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 0
PCI: 00:01.0 read_resources bus 1 link: 0
PCI: 01:05.0 register 24(ffffffff), read-only ignoring it
PCI: 00:01.0 read_resources bus 1 link: 0 done
PCI: 00:04.0 read_resources bus 2 link: 0
PCI: 00:04.0 read_resources bus 2 link: 0 done
PCI: 00:09.0 read_resources bus 3 link: 0
PCI: 00:09.0 read_resources bus 3 link: 0 done
PCI: 00:0a.0 read_resources bus 4 link: 0
PCI: 00:0a.0 read_resources bus 4 link: 0 done
PCI: 00:14.0 read_resources bus 1 link: 0
I2C: 01:50 missing read_resources
I2C: 01:51 missing read_resources
I2C: 01:52 missing read_resources
I2C: 01:53 missing read_resources
PCI: 00:14.0 read_resources bus 1 link: 0 done
PCI: 00:14.3 read_resources bus 0 link: 0
PNP: 002e.6 missing read_resources
PCI: 00:14.3 read_resources bus 0 link: 0 done
PCI: 00:14.4 read_resources bus 5 link: 0
PCI: 00:14.4 read_resources bus 5 link: 0 done
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 0 done
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 1
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 1 done
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 2
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 2 done
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 3
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 3 done
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 4
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 4 done
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 5
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 5 done
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 6
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 6 done
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 7
PCI: 00:18.0 read_resources bus 0 link: 7 done
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 read_resources bus 0 link: 0 done
Root Device read_resources bus 0 link: 0 done
Done reading resources.
Show resources in subtree (Root Device)...After reading.
 Root Device links 1 child on link 0 APIC_CLUSTER: 0
  APIC_CLUSTER: 0 links 1 child on link 0 APIC: 00
   APIC: 00 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
   APIC: 01 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
   APIC: 02 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
   APIC: 03 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
  PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 links 1 child on link 0 PCI: 00:18.0
  PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 resource base 0 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit ffff
flags 40040100 index 10000000
  PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 resource base 0 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit ffffffff
flags 40040200 index 10000100
   PCI: 00:18.0 links 8 child on link 0 PCI: 00:00.0
   PCI: 00:18.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit ffffffffff
flags 81200 index 10b0
   PCI: 00:18.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit ffffffffff
flags 80200 index 10b8
   PCI: 00:18.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 12 gran 12 limit ffff flags
80100 index 10d8
    PCI: 00:00.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:00.0 resource base 0 size 10000000 align 28 gran 28 limit
ffffffffffffffff flags 201 index 1c
    PCI: 00:01.0 links 1 child on link 0 PCI: 01:05.0
    PCI: 00:01.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 12 gran 12 limit 1ffffff
flags 80102 index 1c
    PCI: 00:01.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit
ffffffffff flags 81202 index 24
    PCI: 00:01.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit ffffffff
flags 80202 index 20
     PCI: 01:05.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PCI: 01:05.0 resource base 0 size 10000000 align 28 gran 28 limit
ffffffff flags 1200 index 10
     PCI: 01:05.0 resource base 0 size 100 align 8 gran 8 limit ffff
flags 100 index 14
     PCI: 01:05.0 resource base 0 size 10000 align 16 gran 16 limit
ffffffff flags 200 index 18
     PCI: 01:05.0 resource base fff00000 size 100 align 0 gran 0 limit 0
flags c0002200 index 30
    PCI: 00:02.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:03.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:04.0 links 1 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:04.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 12 gran 12 limit ffffffff
flags 80102 index 1c
    PCI: 00:04.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit
ffffffffffffffff flags 81202 index 24
    PCI: 00:04.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit ffffffff
flags 80202 index 20
    PCI: 00:05.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:06.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:07.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:08.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:09.0 links 1 child on link 0 PCI: 03:00.0
    PCI: 00:09.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 12 gran 12 limit ffffffff
flags 80102 index 1c
    PCI: 00:09.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit
ffffffffffffffff flags 81202 index 24
    PCI: 00:09.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit ffffffff
flags 80202 index 20
     PCI: 03:00.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PCI: 03:00.0 resource base 0 size 100 align 8 gran 8 limit ffff
flags 100 index 10
     PCI: 03:00.0 resource base 0 size 1000 align 12 gran 12 limit
ffffffffffffffff flags 201 index 18
     PCI: 03:00.0 resource base 0 size 10000 align 16 gran 16 limit
ffffffffffffffff flags 1201 index 20
     PCI: 03:00.0 resource base 0 size 20000 align 17 gran 17 limit
ffffffff flags 2200 index 30
    PCI: 00:0a.0 links 1 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:0a.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 12 gran 12 limit ffffffff
flags 80102 index 1c
    PCI: 00:0a.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit
ffffffffffffffff flags 81202 index 24
    PCI: 00:0a.0 resource base 0 size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit ffffffff
flags 80202 index 20
    PCI: 00:11.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:11.0 resource base 0 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit ffff flags
100 index 10
    PCI: 00:11.0 resource base 0 size 4 align 2 gran 2 limit ffff flags
100 index 14
    PCI: 00:11.0 resource base 0 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit ffff flags
100 index 18
    PCI: 00:11.0 resource base 0 size 4 align 2 gran 2 limit ffff flags
100 index 1c
    PCI: 00:11.0 resource base 0 size 10 align 4 gran 4 limit ffff flags
100 index 20
    PCI: 00:11.0 resource base 0 size 400 align 10 gran 10 limit
ffffffff flags 200 index 24
    PCI: 00:12.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:12.0 resource base 0 size 1000 align 12 gran 12 limit
ffffffff flags 200 index 10
    PCI: 00:12.1 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:12.1 resource base 0 size 1000 align 12 gran 12 limit
ffffffff flags 200 index 10
    PCI: 00:12.2 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:12.2 resource base 0 size 100 align 8 gran 8 limit ffffffff
flags 200 index 10
    PCI: 00:13.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:13.0 resource base 0 size 1000 align 12 gran 12 limit
ffffffff flags 200 index 10
    PCI: 00:13.1 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:13.1 resource base 0 size 1000 align 12 gran 12 limit
ffffffff flags 200 index 10
    PCI: 00:13.2 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:13.2 resource base 0 size 100 align 8 gran 8 limit ffffffff
flags 200 index 10
    PCI: 00:14.0 links 1 child on link 0 I2C: 01:50
    PCI: 00:14.0 resource base fec00000 size 1000 align 8 gran 8 limit
ffffffff flags 80000200 index 74
    PCI: 00:14.0 resource base b00 size 10 align 8 gran 8 limit ffff
flags 80000100 index 90
     I2C: 01:50 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     I2C: 01:51 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     I2C: 01:52 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     I2C: 01:53 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:14.1 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:14.1 resource base 0 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit ffff flags
100 index 10
    PCI: 00:14.1 resource base 0 size 4 align 2 gran 2 limit ffff flags
100 index 14
    PCI: 00:14.1 resource base 0 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit ffff flags
100 index 18
    PCI: 00:14.1 resource base 0 size 4 align 2 gran 2 limit ffff flags
100 index 1c
    PCI: 00:14.1 resource base 0 size 10 align 4 gran 4 limit ffff flags
100 index 20
    PCI: 00:14.2 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:14.2 resource base 0 size 4000 align 14 gran 14 limit
ffffffffffffffff flags 201 index 10
    PCI: 00:14.3 links 1 child on link 0 PNP: 002e.0
    PCI: 00:14.3 resource base 0 size 1 align 0 gran 0 limit ffffffff
flags 200 index a0
    PCI: 00:14.3 resource base 0 size 1000 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0040100 index 10000000
    PCI: 00:14.3 resource base ff800000 size 800000 align 0 gran 0 limit
0 flags c0040200 index 10000100
    PCI: 00:14.3 resource base fec00000 size 1000 align 0 gran 0 limit 0
flags c0000200 index 3
     PNP: 002e.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.0 resource base 3f0 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000100 index 60
     PNP: 002e.0 resource base 6 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000400 index 70
     PNP: 002e.0 resource base 2 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000800 index 74
     PNP: 002e.1 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.1 resource base 3f8 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit 7ff flags
c0000100 index 60
     PNP: 002e.1 resource base 4 size 1 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000400 index 70
     PNP: 002e.2 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.2 resource base 2f8 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit 7ff flags
c0000100 index 60
     PNP: 002e.2 resource base 3 size 1 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000400 index 70
     PNP: 002e.2 resource base 0 size 1 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags 800
index 74
     PNP: 002e.2 resource base 0 size 1 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags 800
index 75
     PNP: 002e.3 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.3 resource base 378 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000100 index 60
     PNP: 002e.3 resource base 7 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000400 index 70
     PNP: 002e.4 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.5 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.5 resource base 60 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit 7ff flags
c0000100 index 60
     PNP: 002e.5 resource base 64 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit 7ff flags
c0000100 index 62
     PNP: 002e.5 resource base 1 size 1 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000400 index 70
     PNP: 002e.6 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.6 resource base c size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000400 index 70
     PNP: 002e.7 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.8 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.8 resource base 300 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000100 index 60
     PNP: 002e.8 resource base 9 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000400 index 70
     PNP: 002e.9 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.9 resource base 220 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000100 index 60
     PNP: 002e.a links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:14.4 links 1 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:14.4 resource base 0 size 0 align 12 gran 12 limit ffff
flags 80102 index 1c
    PCI: 00:14.4 resource base 0 size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit ffffffff
flags 81202 index 24
    PCI: 00:14.4 resource base 0 size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit ffffffff
flags 80202 index 20
    PCI: 00:14.5 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:14.5 resource base 0 size 1000 align 12 gran 12 limit
ffffffff flags 200 index 10
   PCI: 00:18.1 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
   PCI: 00:18.2 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
   PCI: 00:18.3 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
   PCI: 00:18.3 resource base 0 size 4000000 align 26 gran 26 limit
ffffffff flags 200 index 94
   PCI: 00:18.4 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 compute_resources_io: base: 0 size: 0 align: 0 gran: 0
limit: ffff
PCI: 00:18.0 compute_resources_io: base: 0 size: 0 align: 12 gran: 12
limit: ffff
PCI: 00:01.0 compute_resources_io: base: 0 size: 0 align: 12 gran: 12
limit: 1ffffff
PCI: 01:05.0 14 *  [0x0 - 0xff] io
PCI: 00:01.0 compute_resources_io: base: 100 size: 1000 align: 12 gran:
12 limit: ffff done
PCI: 00:04.0 compute_resources_io: base: 0 size: 0 align: 12 gran: 12
limit: ffffffff
PCI: 00:04.0 compute_resources_io: base: 0 size: 0 align: 12 gran: 12
limit: ffffffff done
PCI: 00:09.0 compute_resources_io: base: 0 size: 0 align: 12 gran: 12
limit: ffffffff
PCI: 03:00.0 10 *  [0x0 - 0xff] io
PCI: 00:09.0 compute_resources_io: base: 100 size: 1000 align: 12 gran:
12 limit: ffff done
PCI: 00:0a.0 compute_resources_io: base: 0 size: 0 align: 12 gran: 12
limit: ffffffff
PCI: 00:0a.0 compute_resources_io: base: 0 size: 0 align: 12 gran: 12
limit: ffffffff done
PCI: 00:14.4 compute_resources_io: base: 0 size: 0 align: 12 gran: 12
limit: ffff
PCI: 00:14.4 compute_resources_io: base: 0 size: 0 align: 12 gran: 12
limit: ffff done
PCI: 00:01.0 1c *  [0x0 - 0xfff] io
PCI: 00:09.0 1c *  [0x1000 - 0x1fff] io
PCI: 00:11.0 20 *  [0x2000 - 0x200f] io
PCI: 00:14.1 20 *  [0x2010 - 0x201f] io
PCI: 00:11.0 10 *  [0x2020 - 0x2027] io
PCI: 00:11.0 18 *  [0x2028 - 0x202f] io
PCI: 00:14.1 10 *  [0x2030 - 0x2037] io
PCI: 00:14.1 18 *  [0x2038 - 0x203f] io
PCI: 00:11.0 14 *  [0x2040 - 0x2043] io
PCI: 00:11.0 1c *  [0x2044 - 0x2047] io
PCI: 00:14.1 14 *  [0x2048 - 0x204b] io
PCI: 00:14.1 1c *  [0x204c - 0x204f] io
PCI: 00:18.0 compute_resources_io: base: 2050 size: 3000 align: 12 gran:
12 limit: ffff done
PCI: 00:18.0 10d8 *  [0x0 - 0x2fff] io
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 compute_resources_io: base: 3000 size: 3000 align: 12
gran: 0 limit: ffff done
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 compute_resources_mem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 0 gran: 0
limit: ffffffff
PCI: 00:18.0 compute_resources_prefmem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran:
20 limit: ffffffffff
PCI: 00:01.0 compute_resources_prefmem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran:
20 limit: ffffffffff
PCI: 01:05.0 10 *  [0x0 - 0xfffffff] prefmem
PCI: 00:01.0 compute_resources_prefmem: base: 10000000 size: 10000000
align: 28 gran: 20 limit: ffffffff done
PCI: 00:04.0 compute_resources_prefmem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran:
20 limit: ffffffffffffffff
PCI: 00:04.0 compute_resources_prefmem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran:
20 limit: ffffffffffffffff done
PCI: 00:09.0 compute_resources_prefmem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran:
20 limit: ffffffffffffffff
PCI: 03:00.0 20 *  [0x0 - 0xffff] prefmem
PCI: 00:09.0 compute_resources_prefmem: base: 10000 size: 100000 align:
20 gran: 20 limit: ffffffffffffffff done
PCI: 00:0a.0 compute_resources_prefmem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran:
20 limit: ffffffffffffffff
PCI: 00:0a.0 compute_resources_prefmem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran:
20 limit: ffffffffffffffff done
PCI: 00:14.4 compute_resources_prefmem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran:
20 limit: ffffffff
PCI: 00:14.4 compute_resources_prefmem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran:
20 limit: ffffffff done
PCI: 00:01.0 24 *  [0x0 - 0xfffffff] prefmem
PCI: 00:09.0 24 *  [0x10000000 - 0x100fffff] prefmem
PCI: 00:18.0 compute_resources_prefmem: base: 10100000 size: 10100000
align: 28 gran: 20 limit: ffffffff done
PCI: 00:18.0 compute_resources_mem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran: 20
limit: ffffffffff
PCI: 00:01.0 compute_resources_mem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran: 20
limit: ffffffff
PCI: 01:05.0 18 *  [0x0 - 0xffff] mem
PCI: 00:01.0 compute_resources_mem: base: 10000 size: 100000 align: 20
gran: 20 limit: ffffffff done
PCI: 00:04.0 compute_resources_mem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran: 20
limit: ffffffff
PCI: 00:04.0 compute_resources_mem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran: 20
limit: ffffffff done
PCI: 00:09.0 compute_resources_mem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran: 20
limit: ffffffff
PCI: 03:00.0 30 *  [0x0 - 0x1ffff] mem
PCI: 03:00.0 18 *  [0x20000 - 0x20fff] mem
PCI: 00:09.0 compute_resources_mem: base: 21000 size: 100000 align: 20
gran: 20 limit: ffffffff done
PCI: 00:0a.0 compute_resources_mem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran: 20
limit: ffffffff
PCI: 00:0a.0 compute_resources_mem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran: 20
limit: ffffffff done
PCI: 00:14.4 compute_resources_mem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran: 20
limit: ffffffff
PCI: 00:14.4 compute_resources_mem: base: 0 size: 0 align: 20 gran: 20
limit: ffffffff done
PCI: 00:00.0 1c *  [0x0 - 0xfffffff] mem
PCI: 00:01.0 20 *  [0x10000000 - 0x100fffff] mem
PCI: 00:09.0 20 *  [0x10100000 - 0x101fffff] mem
PCI: 00:14.2 10 *  [0x10200000 - 0x10203fff] mem
PCI: 00:12.0 10 *  [0x10204000 - 0x10204fff] mem
PCI: 00:12.1 10 *  [0x10205000 - 0x10205fff] mem
PCI: 00:13.0 10 *  [0x10206000 - 0x10206fff] mem
PCI: 00:13.1 10 *  [0x10207000 - 0x10207fff] mem
PCI: 00:14.5 10 *  [0x10208000 - 0x10208fff] mem
PCI: 00:11.0 24 *  [0x10209000 - 0x102093ff] mem
PCI: 00:12.2 10 *  [0x10209400 - 0x102094ff] mem
PCI: 00:13.2 10 *  [0x10209500 - 0x102095ff] mem
PCI: 00:14.3 a0 *  [0x10209600 - 0x10209600] mem
PCI: 00:18.0 compute_resources_mem: base: 10209601 size: 10300000 align:
28 gran: 20 limit: ffffffff done
PCI: 00:18.0 10b8 *  [0x0 - 0x102fffff] mem
PCI: 00:18.0 10b0 *  [0x20000000 - 0x300fffff] prefmem
PCI: 00:18.3 94 *  [0x34000000 - 0x37ffffff] mem
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 compute_resources_mem: base: 38000000 size: 38000000
align: 28 gran: 0 limit: ffffffff done
avoid_fixed_resources: PCI_DOMAIN: 0000
avoid_fixed_resources:@PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 10000000 limit 0000ffff
avoid_fixed_resources:@PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 10000100 limit ffffffff
constrain_resources: PCI_DOMAIN: 0000
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:18.0
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:00.0
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:01.0
constrain_resources: PCI: 01:05.0
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:04.0
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:09.0
constrain_resources: PCI: 03:00.0
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:0a.0
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:11.0
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:12.0
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:12.1
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:12.2
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:13.0
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:13.1
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:13.2
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:14.0
constrain_resources: I2C: 01:50
constrain_resources: I2C: 01:51
constrain_resources: I2C: 01:52
constrain_resources: I2C: 01:53
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:14.1
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:14.2
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:14.3
constrain_resources: PNP: 002e.1
constrain_resources: PNP: 002e.5
constrain_resources: PNP: 002e.6
skipping PNP: 002e.6 at 70 fixed resource, size=0!
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:14.4
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:14.5
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:18.1
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:18.2
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:18.3
constrain_resources: PCI: 00:18.4
avoid_fixed_resources2: PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 at 10000000 limit 0000ffff
	lim->base 00001000 lim->limit 0000ffff
avoid_fixed_resources2: PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 at 10000100 limit ffffffff
	lim->base 00000000 lim->limit febfffff
Setting resources...
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 allocate_resources_io: base:1000 size:3000 align:12
gran:0 limit:ffff
Assigned: PCI: 00:18.0 10d8 *  [0x1000 - 0x3fff] io
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 allocate_resources_io: next_base: 4000 size: 3000
align: 12 gran: 0 done
PCI: 00:18.0 allocate_resources_io: base:1000 size:3000 align:12 gran:12
Assigned: PCI: 00:01.0 1c *  [0x1000 - 0x1fff] io
Assigned: PCI: 00:09.0 1c *  [0x2000 - 0x2fff] io
Assigned: PCI: 00:11.0 20 *  [0x3000 - 0x300f] io
Assigned: PCI: 00:14.1 20 *  [0x3010 - 0x301f] io
Assigned: PCI: 00:11.0 10 *  [0x3020 - 0x3027] io
Assigned: PCI: 00:11.0 18 *  [0x3028 - 0x302f] io
Assigned: PCI: 00:14.1 10 *  [0x3030 - 0x3037] io
Assigned: PCI: 00:14.1 18 *  [0x3038 - 0x303f] io
Assigned: PCI: 00:11.0 14 *  [0x3040 - 0x3043] io
Assigned: PCI: 00:11.0 1c *  [0x3044 - 0x3047] io
Assigned: PCI: 00:14.1 14 *  [0x3048 - 0x304b] io
Assigned: PCI: 00:14.1 1c *  [0x304c - 0x304f] io
PCI: 00:18.0 allocate_resources_io: next_base: 3050 size: 3000 align: 12
gran: 12 done
PCI: 00:01.0 allocate_resources_io: base:1000 size:1000 align:12 gran:12
Assigned: PCI: 01:05.0 14 *  [0x1000 - 0x10ff] io
PCI: 00:01.0 allocate_resources_io: next_base: 1100 size: 1000 align: 12
gran: 12 done
PCI: 00:04.0 allocate_resources_io: base:ffff size:0 align:12 gran:12
PCI: 00:04.0 allocate_resources_io: next_base: ffff size: 0 align: 12
gran: 12 done
PCI: 00:09.0 allocate_resources_io: base:2000 size:1000 align:12 gran:12
Assigned: PCI: 03:00.0 10 *  [0x2000 - 0x20ff] io
PCI: 00:09.0 allocate_resources_io: next_base: 2100 size: 1000 align: 12
gran: 12 done
PCI: 00:0a.0 allocate_resources_io: base:ffff size:0 align:12 gran:12
PCI: 00:0a.0 allocate_resources_io: next_base: ffff size: 0 align: 12
gran: 12 done
PCI: 00:14.4 allocate_resources_io: base:ffff size:0 align:12 gran:12
PCI: 00:14.4 allocate_resources_io: next_base: ffff size: 0 align: 12
gran: 12 done
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 allocate_resources_mem: base:c0000000 size:38000000
align:28 gran:0 limit:febfffff
Assigned: PCI: 00:18.0 10b8 *  [0xc0000000 - 0xd02fffff] mem
Assigned: PCI: 00:18.0 10b0 *  [0xe0000000 - 0xf00fffff] prefmem
Assigned: PCI: 00:18.3 94 *  [0xf4000000 - 0xf7ffffff] mem
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 allocate_resources_mem: next_base: f8000000 size:
38000000 align: 28 gran: 0 done
PCI: 00:18.0 allocate_resources_prefmem: base:e0000000 size:10100000
align:28 gran:20 limit:febfffff
Assigned: PCI: 00:01.0 24 *  [0xe0000000 - 0xefffffff] prefmem
Assigned: PCI: 00:09.0 24 *  [0xf0000000 - 0xf00fffff] prefmem
PCI: 00:18.0 allocate_resources_prefmem: next_base: f0100000 size:
10100000 align: 28 gran: 20 done
PCI: 00:01.0 allocate_resources_prefmem: base:e0000000 size:10000000
align:28 gran:20 limit:febfffff
Assigned: PCI: 01:05.0 10 *  [0xe0000000 - 0xefffffff] prefmem
PCI: 00:01.0 allocate_resources_prefmem: next_base: f0000000 size:
10000000 align: 28 gran: 20 done
PCI: 00:04.0 allocate_resources_prefmem: base:febfffff size:0 align:20
gran:20 limit:febfffff
PCI: 00:04.0 allocate_resources_prefmem: next_base: febfffff size: 0
align: 20 gran: 20 done
PCI: 00:09.0 allocate_resources_prefmem: base:f0000000 size:100000
align:20 gran:20 limit:febfffff
Assigned: PCI: 03:00.0 20 *  [0xf0000000 - 0xf000ffff] prefmem
PCI: 00:09.0 allocate_resources_prefmem: next_base: f0010000 size:
100000 align: 20 gran: 20 done
PCI: 00:0a.0 allocate_resources_prefmem: base:febfffff size:0 align:20
gran:20 limit:febfffff
PCI: 00:0a.0 allocate_resources_prefmem: next_base: febfffff size: 0
align: 20 gran: 20 done
PCI: 00:14.4 allocate_resources_prefmem: base:febfffff size:0 align:20
gran:20 limit:febfffff
PCI: 00:14.4 allocate_resources_prefmem: next_base: febfffff size: 0
align: 20 gran: 20 done
PCI: 00:18.0 allocate_resources_mem: base:c0000000 size:10300000
align:28 gran:20 limit:febfffff
Assigned: PCI: 00:00.0 1c *  [0xc0000000 - 0xcfffffff] mem
Assigned: PCI: 00:01.0 20 *  [0xd0000000 - 0xd00fffff] mem
Assigned: PCI: 00:09.0 20 *  [0xd0100000 - 0xd01fffff] mem
Assigned: PCI: 00:14.2 10 *  [0xd0200000 - 0xd0203fff] mem
Assigned: PCI: 00:12.0 10 *  [0xd0204000 - 0xd0204fff] mem
Assigned: PCI: 00:12.1 10 *  [0xd0205000 - 0xd0205fff] mem
Assigned: PCI: 00:13.0 10 *  [0xd0206000 - 0xd0206fff] mem
Assigned: PCI: 00:13.1 10 *  [0xd0207000 - 0xd0207fff] mem
Assigned: PCI: 00:14.5 10 *  [0xd0208000 - 0xd0208fff] mem
Assigned: PCI: 00:11.0 24 *  [0xd0209000 - 0xd02093ff] mem
Assigned: PCI: 00:12.2 10 *  [0xd0209400 - 0xd02094ff] mem
Assigned: PCI: 00:13.2 10 *  [0xd0209500 - 0xd02095ff] mem
Assigned: PCI: 00:14.3 a0 *  [0xd0209600 - 0xd0209600] mem
PCI: 00:18.0 allocate_resources_mem: next_base: d0209601 size: 10300000
align: 28 gran: 20 done
PCI: 00:01.0 allocate_resources_mem: base:d0000000 size:100000 align:20
gran:20 limit:febfffff
Assigned: PCI: 01:05.0 18 *  [0xd0000000 - 0xd000ffff] mem
PCI: 00:01.0 allocate_resources_mem: next_base: d0010000 size: 100000
align: 20 gran: 20 done
PCI: 00:04.0 allocate_resources_mem: base:febfffff size:0 align:20
gran:20 limit:febfffff
PCI: 00:04.0 allocate_resources_mem: next_base: febfffff size: 0 align:
20 gran: 20 done
PCI: 00:09.0 allocate_resources_mem: base:d0100000 size:100000 align:20
gran:20 limit:febfffff
Assigned: PCI: 03:00.0 30 *  [0xd0100000 - 0xd011ffff] mem
Assigned: PCI: 03:00.0 18 *  [0xd0120000 - 0xd0120fff] mem
PCI: 00:09.0 allocate_resources_mem: next_base: d0121000 size: 100000
align: 20 gran: 20 done
PCI: 00:0a.0 allocate_resources_mem: base:febfffff size:0 align:20
gran:20 limit:febfffff
PCI: 00:0a.0 allocate_resources_mem: next_base: febfffff size: 0 align:
20 gran: 20 done
PCI: 00:14.4 allocate_resources_mem: base:febfffff size:0 align:20
gran:20 limit:febfffff
PCI: 00:14.4 allocate_resources_mem: next_base: febfffff size: 0 align:
20 gran: 20 done
Root Device assign_resources, bus 0 link: 0
0: mmio_basek=00300000, basek=00000300, limitk=00000000
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 assign_resources, bus 0 link: 0
VGA: PCI: 00:18.0 (aka node 0) link 0 has VGA device
PCI: 00:18.0 10b0 <- [0x00e0000000 - 0x00f00fffff] size 0x10100000 gran
0x14 prefmem <node 00 link 00>
PCI: 00:18.0 10b8 <- [0x00c0000000 - 0x00d02fffff] size 0x10300000 gran
0x14 mem <node 00 link 00>
PCI: 00:18.0 10d8 <- [0x0000001000 - 0x0000003fff] size 0x00003000 gran
0x0c io <node 00 link 00>
PCI: 00:18.0 assign_resources, bus 0 link: 0
PCI: 00:00.0 1c <- [0x00c0000000 - 0x00cfffffff] size 0x10000000 gran
0x1c mem64
PCI: 00:01.0 1c <- [0x0000001000 - 0x0000001fff] size 0x00001000 gran
0x0c bus 01 io
PCI: 00:01.0 24 <- [0x00e0000000 - 0x00efffffff] size 0x10000000 gran
0x14 bus 01 prefmem
PCI: 00:01.0 20 <- [0x00d0000000 - 0x00d00fffff] size 0x00100000 gran
0x14 bus 01 mem
PCI: 00:01.0 assign_resources, bus 1 link: 0
PCI: 01:05.0 10 <- [0x00e0000000 - 0x00efffffff] size 0x10000000 gran
0x1c prefmem
PCI: 01:05.0 14 <- [0x0000001000 - 0x00000010ff] size 0x00000100 gran
0x08 io
PCI: 01:05.0 18 <- [0x00d0000000 - 0x00d000ffff] size 0x00010000 gran
0x10 mem
PCI: 01:05.0 30 <- [0x00fff00000 - 0x00fff000ff] size 0x00000100 gran
0x00 romem
PCI: 00:01.0 assign_resources, bus 1 link: 0
PCI: 00:04.0 1c <- [0x000000ffff - 0x000000fffe] size 0x00000000 gran
0x0c bus 02 io
PCI: 00:04.0 24 <- [0x00febfffff - 0x00febffffe] size 0x00000000 gran
0x14 bus 02 prefmem
PCI: 00:04.0 20 <- [0x00febfffff - 0x00febffffe] size 0x00000000 gran
0x14 bus 02 mem
PCI: 00:09.0 1c <- [0x0000002000 - 0x0000002fff] size 0x00001000 gran
0x0c bus 03 io
PCI: 00:09.0 24 <- [0x00f0000000 - 0x00f00fffff] size 0x00100000 gran
0x14 bus 03 prefmem
PCI: 00:09.0 20 <- [0x00d0100000 - 0x00d01fffff] size 0x00100000 gran
0x14 bus 03 mem
PCI: 00:09.0 assign_resources, bus 3 link: 0
PCI: 03:00.0 10 <- [0x0000002000 - 0x00000020ff] size 0x00000100 gran
0x08 io
PCI: 03:00.0 18 <- [0x00d0120000 - 0x00d0120fff] size 0x00001000 gran
0x0c mem64
PCI: 03:00.0 20 <- [0x00f0000000 - 0x00f000ffff] size 0x00010000 gran
0x10 prefmem64
PCI: 03:00.0 30 <- [0x00d0100000 - 0x00d011ffff] size 0x00020000 gran
0x11 romem
PCI: 00:09.0 assign_resources, bus 3 link: 0
PCI: 00:0a.0 1c <- [0x000000ffff - 0x000000fffe] size 0x00000000 gran
0x0c bus 04 io
PCI: 00:0a.0 24 <- [0x00febfffff - 0x00febffffe] size 0x00000000 gran
0x14 bus 04 prefmem
PCI: 00:0a.0 20 <- [0x00febfffff - 0x00febffffe] size 0x00000000 gran
0x14 bus 04 mem
PCI: 00:11.0 10 <- [0x0000003020 - 0x0000003027] size 0x00000008 gran
0x03 io
PCI: 00:11.0 14 <- [0x0000003040 - 0x0000003043] size 0x00000004 gran
0x02 io
PCI: 00:11.0 18 <- [0x0000003028 - 0x000000302f] size 0x00000008 gran
0x03 io
PCI: 00:11.0 1c <- [0x0000003044 - 0x0000003047] size 0x00000004 gran
0x02 io
PCI: 00:11.0 20 <- [0x0000003000 - 0x000000300f] size 0x00000010 gran
0x04 io
PCI: 00:11.0 24 <- [0x00d0209000 - 0x00d02093ff] size 0x00000400 gran
0x0a mem
PCI: 00:12.0 10 <- [0x00d0204000 - 0x00d0204fff] size 0x00001000 gran
0x0c mem
PCI: 00:12.1 10 <- [0x00d0205000 - 0x00d0205fff] size 0x00001000 gran
0x0c mem
PCI: 00:12.2 10 <- [0x00d0209400 - 0x00d02094ff] size 0x00000100 gran
0x08 mem
PCI: 00:13.0 10 <- [0x00d0206000 - 0x00d0206fff] size 0x00001000 gran
0x0c mem
PCI: 00:13.1 10 <- [0x00d0207000 - 0x00d0207fff] size 0x00001000 gran
0x0c mem
PCI: 00:13.2 10 <- [0x00d0209500 - 0x00d02095ff] size 0x00000100 gran
0x08 mem
ERROR: PCI: 00:14.0 74 mem size: 0x0000001000 not assigned
ERROR: PCI: 00:14.0 90 io size: 0x0000000010 not assigned
PCI: 00:14.0 assign_resources, bus 1 link: 0
PCI: 00:14.0 assign_resources, bus 1 link: 0
PCI: 00:14.1 10 <- [0x0000003030 - 0x0000003037] size 0x00000008 gran
0x03 io
PCI: 00:14.1 14 <- [0x0000003048 - 0x000000304b] size 0x00000004 gran
0x02 io
PCI: 00:14.1 18 <- [0x0000003038 - 0x000000303f] size 0x00000008 gran
0x03 io
PCI: 00:14.1 1c <- [0x000000304c - 0x000000304f] size 0x00000004 gran
0x02 io
PCI: 00:14.1 20 <- [0x0000003010 - 0x000000301f] size 0x00000010 gran
0x04 io
PCI: 00:14.2 10 <- [0x00d0200000 - 0x00d0203fff] size 0x00004000 gran
0x0e mem64
PCI: 00:14.3 a0 <- [0x00d0209600 - 0x00d0209600] size 0x00000001 gran
0x00 mem
PCI: 00:14.3 03 <- [0x00fec00000 - 0x00fec00fff] size 0x00001000 gran
0x00 mem
PCI: 00:14.3 assign_resources, bus 0 link: 0
PNP: 002e.1 60 <- [0x00000003f8 - 0x00000003ff] size 0x00000008 gran
0x03 io
PNP: 002e.1 70 <- [0x0000000004 - 0x0000000004] size 0x00000001 gran
0x00 irq
PNP: 002e.5 60 <- [0x0000000060 - 0x0000000067] size 0x00000008 gran
0x03 io
PNP: 002e.5 62 <- [0x0000000064 - 0x000000006b] size 0x00000008 gran
0x03 io
PNP: 002e.5 70 <- [0x0000000001 - 0x0000000001] size 0x00000001 gran
0x00 irq
PNP: 002e.6 missing set_resources
PCI: 00:14.3 assign_resources, bus 0 link: 0
PCI: 00:14.4 1c <- [0x000000ffff - 0x000000fffe] size 0x00000000 gran
0x0c bus 05 io
PCI: 00:14.4 24 <- [0x00febfffff - 0x00febffffe] size 0x00000000 gran
0x14 bus 05 prefmem
PCI: 00:14.4 20 <- [0x00febfffff - 0x00febffffe] size 0x00000000 gran
0x14 bus 05 mem
PCI: 00:14.5 10 <- [0x00d0208000 - 0x00d0208fff] size 0x00001000 gran
0x0c mem
PCI: 00:18.0 assign_resources, bus 0 link: 0
PCI: 00:18.3 94 <- [0x00f4000000 - 0x00f7ffffff] size 0x04000000 gran
0x1a mem <gart>
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 assign_resources, bus 0 link: 0
Root Device assign_resources, bus 0 link: 0
Done setting resources.
Show resources in subtree (Root Device)...After assigning values.
 Root Device links 1 child on link 0 APIC_CLUSTER: 0
  APIC_CLUSTER: 0 links 1 child on link 0 APIC: 00
   APIC: 00 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
   APIC: 01 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
   APIC: 02 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
   APIC: 03 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
  PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 links 1 child on link 0 PCI: 00:18.0
  PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 resource base 1000 size 3000 align 12 gran 0 limit
ffff flags 40040100 index 10000000
  PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 resource base c0000000 size 38000000 align 28 gran 0
limit febfffff flags 40040200 index 10000100
  PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 resource base 0 size a0000 align 0 gran 0 limit 0
flags e0004200 index 10
  PCI_DOMAIN: 0000 resource base c0000 size 7ff40000 align 0 gran 0
limit 0 flags e0004200 index 20
   PCI: 00:18.0 links 8 child on link 0 PCI: 00:00.0
   PCI: 00:18.0 resource base e0000000 size 10100000 align 28 gran 20
limit febfffff flags 60081200 index 10b0
   PCI: 00:18.0 resource base c0000000 size 10300000 align 28 gran 20
limit febfffff flags 60080200 index 10b8
   PCI: 00:18.0 resource base 1000 size 3000 align 12 gran 12 limit ffff
flags 60080100 index 10d8
    PCI: 00:00.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:00.0 resource base c0000000 size 10000000 align 28 gran 28
limit febfffff flags 60000201 index 1c
    PCI: 00:01.0 links 1 child on link 0 PCI: 01:05.0
    PCI: 00:01.0 resource base 1000 size 1000 align 12 gran 12 limit
ffff flags 60080102 index 1c
    PCI: 00:01.0 resource base e0000000 size 10000000 align 28 gran 20
limit febfffff flags 60081202 index 24
    PCI: 00:01.0 resource base d0000000 size 100000 align 20 gran 20
limit febfffff flags 60080202 index 20
     PCI: 01:05.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PCI: 01:05.0 resource base e0000000 size 10000000 align 28 gran 28
limit febfffff flags 60001200 index 10
     PCI: 01:05.0 resource base 1000 size 100 align 8 gran 8 limit ffff
flags 60000100 index 14
     PCI: 01:05.0 resource base d0000000 size 10000 align 16 gran 16
limit febfffff flags 60000200 index 18
     PCI: 01:05.0 resource base fff00000 size 100 align 0 gran 0 limit 0
flags e0002200 index 30
    PCI: 00:02.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:03.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:04.0 links 1 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:04.0 resource base ffff size 0 align 12 gran 12 limit ffff
flags 60080102 index 1c
    PCI: 00:04.0 resource base febfffff size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit
febfffff flags 60081202 index 24
    PCI: 00:04.0 resource base febfffff size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit
febfffff flags 60080202 index 20
    PCI: 00:05.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:06.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:07.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:08.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:09.0 links 1 child on link 0 PCI: 03:00.0
    PCI: 00:09.0 resource base 2000 size 1000 align 12 gran 12 limit
ffff flags 60080102 index 1c
    PCI: 00:09.0 resource base f0000000 size 100000 align 20 gran 20
limit febfffff flags 60081202 index 24
    PCI: 00:09.0 resource base d0100000 size 100000 align 20 gran 20
limit febfffff flags 60080202 index 20
     PCI: 03:00.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PCI: 03:00.0 resource base 2000 size 100 align 8 gran 8 limit ffff
flags 60000100 index 10
     PCI: 03:00.0 resource base d0120000 size 1000 align 12 gran 12
limit febfffff flags 60000201 index 18
     PCI: 03:00.0 resource base f0000000 size 10000 align 16 gran 16
limit febfffff flags 60001201 index 20
     PCI: 03:00.0 resource base d0100000 size 20000 align 17 gran 17
limit febfffff flags 60002200 index 30
    PCI: 00:0a.0 links 1 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:0a.0 resource base ffff size 0 align 12 gran 12 limit ffff
flags 60080102 index 1c
    PCI: 00:0a.0 resource base febfffff size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit
febfffff flags 60081202 index 24
    PCI: 00:0a.0 resource base febfffff size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit
febfffff flags 60080202 index 20
    PCI: 00:11.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:11.0 resource base 3020 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit ffff
flags 60000100 index 10
    PCI: 00:11.0 resource base 3040 size 4 align 2 gran 2 limit ffff
flags 60000100 index 14
    PCI: 00:11.0 resource base 3028 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit ffff
flags 60000100 index 18
    PCI: 00:11.0 resource base 3044 size 4 align 2 gran 2 limit ffff
flags 60000100 index 1c
    PCI: 00:11.0 resource base 3000 size 10 align 4 gran 4 limit ffff
flags 60000100 index 20
    PCI: 00:11.0 resource base d0209000 size 400 align 10 gran 10 limit
febfffff flags 60000200 index 24
    PCI: 00:12.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:12.0 resource base d0204000 size 1000 align 12 gran 12 limit
febfffff flags 60000200 index 10
    PCI: 00:12.1 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:12.1 resource base d0205000 size 1000 align 12 gran 12 limit
febfffff flags 60000200 index 10
    PCI: 00:12.2 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:12.2 resource base d0209400 size 100 align 8 gran 8 limit
febfffff flags 60000200 index 10
    PCI: 00:13.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:13.0 resource base d0206000 size 1000 align 12 gran 12 limit
febfffff flags 60000200 index 10
    PCI: 00:13.1 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:13.1 resource base d0207000 size 1000 align 12 gran 12 limit
febfffff flags 60000200 index 10
    PCI: 00:13.2 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:13.2 resource base d0209500 size 100 align 8 gran 8 limit
febfffff flags 60000200 index 10
    PCI: 00:14.0 links 1 child on link 0 I2C: 01:50
    PCI: 00:14.0 resource base fec00000 size 1000 align 8 gran 8 limit
ffffffff flags 80000200 index 74
    PCI: 00:14.0 resource base b00 size 10 align 8 gran 8 limit ffff
flags 80000100 index 90
     I2C: 01:50 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     I2C: 01:51 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     I2C: 01:52 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     I2C: 01:53 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:14.1 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:14.1 resource base 3030 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit ffff
flags 60000100 index 10
    PCI: 00:14.1 resource base 3048 size 4 align 2 gran 2 limit ffff
flags 60000100 index 14
    PCI: 00:14.1 resource base 3038 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit ffff
flags 60000100 index 18
    PCI: 00:14.1 resource base 304c size 4 align 2 gran 2 limit ffff
flags 60000100 index 1c
    PCI: 00:14.1 resource base 3010 size 10 align 4 gran 4 limit ffff
flags 60000100 index 20
    PCI: 00:14.2 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:14.2 resource base d0200000 size 4000 align 14 gran 14 limit
febfffff flags 60000201 index 10
    PCI: 00:14.3 links 1 child on link 0 PNP: 002e.0
    PCI: 00:14.3 resource base d0209600 size 1 align 0 gran 0 limit
febfffff flags 60000200 index a0
    PCI: 00:14.3 resource base 0 size 1000 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0040100 index 10000000
    PCI: 00:14.3 resource base ff800000 size 800000 align 0 gran 0 limit
0 flags c0040200 index 10000100
    PCI: 00:14.3 resource base fec00000 size 1000 align 0 gran 0 limit 0
flags e0000200 index 3
     PNP: 002e.0 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.0 resource base 3f0 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000100 index 60
     PNP: 002e.0 resource base 6 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000400 index 70
     PNP: 002e.0 resource base 2 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000800 index 74
     PNP: 002e.1 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.1 resource base 3f8 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit 7ff flags
e0000100 index 60
     PNP: 002e.1 resource base 4 size 1 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
e0000400 index 70
     PNP: 002e.2 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.2 resource base 2f8 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit 7ff flags
c0000100 index 60
     PNP: 002e.2 resource base 3 size 1 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000400 index 70
     PNP: 002e.2 resource base 0 size 1 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags 800
index 74
     PNP: 002e.2 resource base 0 size 1 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags 800
index 75
     PNP: 002e.3 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.3 resource base 378 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000100 index 60
     PNP: 002e.3 resource base 7 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000400 index 70
     PNP: 002e.4 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.5 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.5 resource base 60 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit 7ff flags
e0000100 index 60
     PNP: 002e.5 resource base 64 size 8 align 3 gran 3 limit 7ff flags
e0000100 index 62
     PNP: 002e.5 resource base 1 size 1 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
e0000400 index 70
     PNP: 002e.6 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.6 resource base c size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000400 index 70
     PNP: 002e.7 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.8 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.8 resource base 300 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000100 index 60
     PNP: 002e.8 resource base 9 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000400 index 70
     PNP: 002e.9 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
     PNP: 002e.9 resource base 220 size 0 align 0 gran 0 limit 0 flags
c0000100 index 60
     PNP: 002e.a links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:14.4 links 1 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:14.4 resource base ffff size 0 align 12 gran 12 limit ffff
flags 60080102 index 1c
    PCI: 00:14.4 resource base febfffff size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit
febfffff flags 60081202 index 24
    PCI: 00:14.4 resource base febfffff size 0 align 20 gran 20 limit
febfffff flags 60080202 index 20
    PCI: 00:14.5 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
    PCI: 00:14.5 resource base d0208000 size 1000 align 12 gran 12 limit
febfffff flags 60000200 index 10
   PCI: 00:18.1 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
   PCI: 00:18.2 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
   PCI: 00:18.3 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
   PCI: 00:18.3 resource base f4000000 size 4000000 align 26 gran 26
limit febfffff flags 60000200 index 94
   PCI: 00:18.4 links 0 child on link 0 NULL
Done allocating resources.
Enabling resources...
PCI: 00:18.0 cmd <- 00
PCI: 00:00.0 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:00.0 cmd <- 06
PCI: 00:01.0 bridge ctrl <- 000b
PCI: 00:01.0 cmd <- 07
PCI: 01:05.0 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 01:05.0 cmd <- 03
PCI: 00:04.0 bridge ctrl <- 0003
PCI: 00:04.0 cmd <- 00
PCI: 00:09.0 bridge ctrl <- 0003
PCI: 00:09.0 cmd <- 07
PCI: 03:00.0 cmd <- 03
PCI: 00:0a.0 bridge ctrl <- 0003
PCI: 00:0a.0 cmd <- 00
PCI: 00:11.0 cmd <- 03
PCI: 00:12.0 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:12.0 cmd <- 02
PCI: 00:12.1 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:12.1 cmd <- 02
PCI: 00:12.2 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:12.2 cmd <- 02
PCI: 00:13.0 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:13.0 cmd <- 02
PCI: 00:13.1 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:13.1 cmd <- 02
PCI: 00:13.2 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:13.2 cmd <- 02
PCI: 00:14.0 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:14.0 cmd <- 403
PCI: 00:14.1 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:14.1 cmd <- 01
PCI: 00:14.2 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:14.2 cmd <- 02
PCI: 00:14.3 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:14.3 cmd <- 0f
sb700 lpc decode:PNP: 002e.1, base=0x000003f8, end=0x000003ff
sb700 lpc decode:PNP: 002e.5, base=0x00000060, end=0x00000067
sb700 lpc decode:PNP: 002e.5, base=0x00000064, end=0x0000006b
PNP: 002e.6 missing enable_resources
PCI: 00:14.4 bridge ctrl <- 0003
PCI: 00:14.4 cmd <- 01
PCI: 00:14.5 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:14.5 cmd <- 02
PCI: 00:18.1 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:18.1 cmd <- 00
PCI: 00:18.2 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:18.2 cmd <- 00
PCI: 00:18.3 cmd <- 00
PCI: 00:18.4 subsystem <- 1022/2b80
PCI: 00:18.4 cmd <- 00
Initializing devices...
Root Device init
start_eip=0x0000d000, offset=0x00200000, code_size=0x0000005b
Initializing CPU #0
CPU: vendor AMD device 100f22
CPU: family 10, model 02, stepping 02
nodeid = 00, coreid = 00
Enabling cache

Setting fixed MTRRs(0-88) type: UC
Setting fixed MTRRs(0-16) Type: WB, RdMEM, WrMEM
Setting fixed MTRRs(24-88) Type: WB, RdMEM, WrMEM
DONE fixed MTRRs
Setting variable MTRR 0, base:    0MB, range: 2048MB, type WB
Setting variable MTRR 1, base: 2048MB, range:  256MB, type WB
Setting variable MTRR 2, base: 1792MB, range:  256MB, type UC
DONE variable MTRRs
Clear out the extra MTRR's
call enable_var_mtrr()
Leave x86_setup_var_mtrrs

MTRR check
Fixed MTRRs   : Enabled
Variable MTRRs: Enabled

Setting up local apic... apic_id: 0x00 done.
CPU model: AMD Phenom(tm)9600 Quad-Core Processor
siblings = 03, CPU #0 initialized
Asserting INIT.
Waiting for send to finish...
+Deasserting INIT.
Waiting for send to finish...
+#startup loops: 2.
Sending STARTUP #1 to 1.
After apic_write.
Initializing CPU #1
Startup point 1.
Waiting for send to finish...
+CPU: vendor AMD device 100f22
Sending STARTUP #2 to 1.
After apic_write.
CPU: family 10, model 02, stepping 02
Startup point 1.
Waiting for send to finish...
+nodeid = 00, coreid = 01
After Startup.
Enabling cache
Asserting INIT.

Setting fixed MTRRs(0-88) type: UC
Waiting for send to finish...
+Setting fixed MTRRs(0-16) Type: WB, RdMEM, WrMEM
Setting fixed MTRRs(24-88) Type: WB, RdMEM, WrMEM
Deasserting INIT.
Waiting for send to finish...
+DONE fixed MTRRs
#startup loops: 2.
Sending STARTUP #1 to 2.
After apic_write.
Setting variable MTRR 0, base:    0MB, range: 2048MB, type WB
Startup point 1.
Waiting for send to finish...
Sending STARTUP #2 to 2.
After apic_write.
Setting variable MTRR 1, base: 2048MB, range:  256MB, type WB
Initializing CPU #2
Startup point 1.
Waiting for send to finish...
+Setting variable MTRR 2, base: 1792MB, range:  256MB, type UC
CPU: vendor AMD device 100f22
After Startup.
Asserting INIT.
DONE variable MTRRs
Clear out the extra MTRR's
Waiting for send to finish...
+call enable_var_mtrr()
Leave x86_setup_var_mtrrs
CPU: family 10, model 02, stepping 02

MTRR check
Fixed MTRRs   : Enabled
Variable MTRRs: Enabled

Deasserting INIT.
Setting up local apic...Waiting for send to finish...
+ apic_id: 0x01 done.
#startup loops: 2.
Sending STARTUP #1 to 3.
After apic_write.
CPU model: AMD Phenom(tm)9600 Quad-Core Processor
Startup point 1.
Waiting for send to finish...
+siblings = 03, Sending STARTUP #2 to 3.
After apic_write.
CPU #1 initialized
Startup point 1.
Waiting for send to finish...
+nodeid = 00, coreid = 02
After Startup.
Waiting for 2 CPUS to stop
Enabling cache
Initializing CPU #3

Setting fixed MTRRs(0-88) type: UC
CPU: vendor AMD device 100f22
CPU: family 10, model 02, stepping 02
Setting fixed MTRRs(0-16) Type: WB, RdMEM, WrMEM
nodeid = 00, coreid = 03
Setting fixed MTRRs(24-88) Type: WB, RdMEM, WrMEM
Enabling cache

Setting fixed MTRRs(0-88) type: UC
DONE fixed MTRRs
Setting variable MTRR 0, base:    0MB, range: 2048MB, type WB
Setting fixed MTRRs(0-16) Type: WB, RdMEM, WrMEM
Setting fixed MTRRs(24-88) Type: WB, RdMEM, WrMEM
Setting variable MTRR 1, base: 2048MB, range:  256MB, type WB
DONE fixed MTRRs
Setting variable MTRR 0, base:    0MB, range: 2048MB, type WB
Setting variable MTRR 2, base: 1792MB, range:  256MB, type UC
Setting variable MTRR 1, base: 2048MB, range:  256MB, type WB
DONE variable MTRRs
Clear out the extra MTRR's
call enable_var_mtrr()
Setting variable MTRR 2, base: 1792MB, range:  256MB, type UC
Leave x86_setup_var_mtrrs

MTRR check
Fixed MTRRs   : Enabled
Variable MTRRs: Enabled

DONE variable MTRRs
Clear out the extra MTRR's
Setting up local apic...call enable_var_mtrr()
 apic_id: 0x02 done.
Leave x86_setup_var_mtrrs
CPU model: AMD Phenom(tm)9600 Quad-Core Processor

MTRR check
Fixed MTRRs   : Enabled
Variable MTRRs: Enabled

siblings = 03, Setting up local apic...CPU #2 initialized
 apic_id: 0x03 done.
Waiting for 1 CPUS to stop
CPU model: AMD Phenom(tm)9600 Quad-Core Processor
siblings = 03, CPU #3 initialized
All AP CPUs stopped
PCI: 00:18.0 init
PCI: 00:00.0 init
pcie_init in rs780_ht.c
PCI: 01:05.0 init
internal_gfx_pci_dev_init device=9615, vendor=1002.
NB HT speed = 1c750a60.
CPU HT speed = 87f50a60.
HT width = 11110020.
Check CBFS header at fff7efe0
magic is 4f524243
Found CBFS header at fff7efe0
Check fallback/payload
CBFS: follow chain: fff00000 + 38 + 15a68 + align -> fff15ac0
Check fallback/coreboot_ram
CBFS: follow chain: fff15ac0 + 38 + 3801c + align -> fff4db40
Check pci1002,9615.rom
In cbfs, rom address for PCI: 01:05.0 = fff4db78
On mainboard, rom address for PCI: 01:05.0 = fff4db78
PCI Expansion ROM, signature 0xaa55, INIT size 0xec00, data ptr 0x01c0
PCI ROM Image, Vendor 1002, Device 9615,
PCI ROM Image,  Class Code 030000, Code Type 00
copying VGA ROM Image from fff4db78 to 0xc0000, 0xec00 bytes
Executing Initialization Vector...
Option ROM Exit Status: 0128
Stack is clean, initialization successfull!
PCI: 00:11.0 init
SATA port 0 status = 13
drive detection done after 0 ms
Primary Master device is ready after 1 tries
SATA port 1 status = 0
No Primary Slave SATA drive on Slot1
SATA port 2 status = 0
No Secondary Master SATA drive on Slot2
SATA port 3 status = 0
No Secondary Slave SATA drive on Slot3
PCI: 00:12.0 init
PCI: 00:12.1 init
PCI: 00:12.2 init
PCI: 00:13.0 init
PCI: 00:13.1 init
PCI: 00:13.2 init
PCI: 00:14.5 init
PCI: 00:14.0 init
lapicid = 0000000000000000
set power on after power fail
++++++++++no set NMI+++++
RTC Init
Invalid CMOS LB checksum
sm_init() end
PCI: 00:14.1 init
Check CBFS header at fff7efe0
magic is 4f524243
Found CBFS header at fff7efe0
Check fallback/payload
CBFS: follow chain: fff00000 + 38 + 15a68 + align -> fff15ac0
Check fallback/coreboot_ram
CBFS: follow chain: fff15ac0 + 38 + 3801c + align -> fff4db40
Check pci1002,9615.rom
CBFS: follow chain: fff4db40 + 38 + ec00 + align -> fff5c780
CBFS: follow chain: fff5c780 + 28 + 22838 + align -> fff7f000
CBFS:  Could not find file pci1002,439c.rom
In cbfs, rom address for PCI: 00:14.1 = 00000000
On mainboard, rom address for PCI: 00:14.1 = 0
PCI: 00:14.2 init
base = d0200000
codec_mask = 01
codec viddid: 10ec0888
Dev=PCI: 00:14.2
Default viddid=10ec0882
Reading viddid=10ec0888
No verb!
PCI: 00:14.3 init
PNP: 002e.1 init
PNP: 002e.5 init
Keyboard init...
Keyboard selftest failed ACK: 0xfe
PCI: 00:14.4 init
PCI: 00:18.1 init
Check CBFS header at fff7efe0
magic is 4f524243
Found CBFS header at fff7efe0
Check fallback/payload
CBFS: follow chain: fff00000 + 38 + 15a68 + align -> fff15ac0
Check fallback/coreboot_ram
CBFS: follow chain: fff15ac0 + 38 + 3801c + align -> fff4db40
Check pci1002,9615.rom
CBFS: follow chain: fff4db40 + 38 + ec00 + align -> fff5c780
CBFS: follow chain: fff5c780 + 28 + 22838 + align -> fff7f000
CBFS:  Could not find file pci1022,1201.rom
In cbfs, rom address for PCI: 00:18.1 = 00000000
On mainboard, rom address for PCI: 00:18.1 = 0
PCI: 00:18.2 init
Check CBFS header at fff7efe0
magic is 4f524243
Found CBFS header at fff7efe0
Check fallback/payload
CBFS: follow chain: fff00000 + 38 + 15a68 + align -> fff15ac0
Check fallback/coreboot_ram
CBFS: follow chain: fff15ac0 + 38 + 3801c + align -> fff4db40
Check pci1002,9615.rom
CBFS: follow chain: fff4db40 + 38 + ec00 + align -> fff5c780
CBFS: follow chain: fff5c780 + 28 + 22838 + align -> fff7f000
CBFS:  Could not find file pci1022,1202.rom
In cbfs, rom address for PCI: 00:18.2 = 00000000
On mainboard, rom address for PCI: 00:18.2 = 0
PCI: 00:18.3 init
NB: Function 3 Misc Control.. done.
PCI: 00:18.4 init
Check CBFS header at fff7efe0
magic is 4f524243
Found CBFS header at fff7efe0
Check fallback/payload
CBFS: follow chain: fff00000 + 38 + 15a68 + align -> fff15ac0
Check fallback/coreboot_ram
CBFS: follow chain: fff15ac0 + 38 + 3801c + align -> fff4db40
Check pci1002,9615.rom
CBFS: follow chain: fff4db40 + 38 + ec00 + align -> fff5c780
CBFS: follow chain: fff5c780 + 28 + 22838 + align -> fff7f000
CBFS:  Could not find file pci1022,1204.rom
In cbfs, rom address for PCI: 00:18.4 = 00000000
On mainboard, rom address for PCI: 00:18.4 = 0
PCI: 03:00.0 init
Check CBFS header at fff7efe0
magic is 4f524243
Found CBFS header at fff7efe0
Check fallback/payload
CBFS: follow chain: fff00000 + 38 + 15a68 + align -> fff15ac0
Check fallback/coreboot_ram
CBFS: follow chain: fff15ac0 + 38 + 3801c + align -> fff4db40
Check pci1002,9615.rom
CBFS: follow chain: fff4db40 + 38 + ec00 + align -> fff5c780
CBFS: follow chain: fff5c780 + 28 + 22838 + align -> fff7f000
CBFS:  Could not find file pci10ec,8168.rom
In cbfs, rom address for PCI: 03:00.0 = 00000000
On card, rom address for PCI: 03:00.0 = d0100000
PCI Expansion ROM, signature 0x0000, INIT size 0x0000, data ptr 0x0000
Incorrect Expansion ROM Header Signature 0000
Devices initialized
Show all devs...After init.
Root Device: enabled 1, 0 resources
APIC_CLUSTER: 0: enabled 1, 0 resources
APIC: 00: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI_DOMAIN: 0000: enabled 1, 4 resources
PCI: 00:18.0: enabled 1, 3 resources
PCI: 00:00.0: enabled 1, 1 resources
PCI: 00:01.0: enabled 1, 3 resources
PCI: 01:05.0: enabled 1, 4 resources
PCI: 00:02.0: enabled 0, 0 resources
PCI: 00:03.0: enabled 0, 0 resources
PCI: 00:04.0: enabled 1, 3 resources
PCI: 00:05.0: enabled 0, 0 resources
PCI: 00:06.0: enabled 0, 0 resources
PCI: 00:07.0: enabled 0, 0 resources
PCI: 00:08.0: enabled 0, 0 resources
PCI: 00:09.0: enabled 1, 3 resources
PCI: 00:0a.0: enabled 1, 3 resources
PCI: 00:11.0: enabled 1, 6 resources
PCI: 00:12.0: enabled 1, 1 resources
PCI: 00:12.1: enabled 1, 1 resources
PCI: 00:12.2: enabled 1, 1 resources
PCI: 00:13.0: enabled 1, 1 resources
PCI: 00:13.1: enabled 1, 1 resources
PCI: 00:13.2: enabled 1, 1 resources
PCI: 00:14.5: enabled 1, 1 resources
PCI: 00:14.0: enabled 1, 2 resources
I2C: 01:50: enabled 1, 0 resources
I2C: 01:51: enabled 1, 0 resources
I2C: 01:52: enabled 1, 0 resources
I2C: 01:53: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:14.1: enabled 1, 5 resources
PCI: 00:14.2: enabled 1, 1 resources
PCI: 00:14.3: enabled 1, 4 resources
PNP: 002e.0: enabled 0, 3 resources
PNP: 002e.1: enabled 1, 2 resources
PNP: 002e.2: enabled 0, 4 resources
PNP: 002e.3: enabled 0, 2 resources
PNP: 002e.4: enabled 0, 0 resources
PNP: 002e.5: enabled 1, 3 resources
PNP: 002e.6: enabled 1, 1 resources
PNP: 002e.7: enabled 0, 0 resources
PNP: 002e.8: enabled 0, 2 resources
PNP: 002e.9: enabled 0, 1 resources
PNP: 002e.a: enabled 0, 0 resources
PCI: 00:14.4: enabled 1, 3 resources
PCI: 00:18.1: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:18.2: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 00:18.3: enabled 1, 1 resources
PCI: 00:18.4: enabled 1, 0 resources
APIC: 01: enabled 1, 0 resources
APIC: 02: enabled 1, 0 resources
APIC: 03: enabled 1, 0 resources
PCI: 03:00.0: enabled 1, 4 resources
Initializing CBMEM area to 0x7fff0000 (65536 bytes)
Adding CBMEM entry as no. 1
Moving GDT to 7fff0200...ok
High Tables Base is 7fff0000.
Writing IRQ routing tables to 0xf0000...done.
Adding CBMEM entry as no. 2
Writing IRQ routing tables to 0x7fff0400...done.
PIRQ table: 48 bytes.
Wrote the mp table end at: 000f0410 - 000f054c
Adding CBMEM entry as no. 3
Wrote the mp table end at: 7fff1410 - 7fff154c
MP table: 332 bytes.
Adding CBMEM entry as no. 4
ACPI: Writing ACPI tables at 7fff2400...
ACPI:    * HPET at 7fff24e8
ACPI: added table 1/40 Length now 40
ACPI:    * MADT at 7fff2520
ACPI: added table 2/40 Length now 44
ACPI:    * SRAT at 7fff2590
SRAT: lapic cpu_index=00, node_id=00, apic_id=00
SRAT: lapic cpu_index=01, node_id=00, apic_id=01
SRAT: lapic cpu_index=02, node_id=00, apic_id=02
SRAT: lapic cpu_index=03, node_id=00, apic_id=03
set_srat_mem: dev PCI_DOMAIN: 0000, res->index=0010 startk=00000000,
set_srat_mem: dev PCI_DOMAIN: 0000, res->index=0020 startk=00000300,
ACPI: added table 3/40 Length now 48
ACPI:   * SLIT at 7fff2650
ACPI: added table 4/40 Length now 52
ACPI:    * SSDT at 7fff2680
ACPI: added table 5/40 Length now 56
ACPI:    * SSDT for PState at 7fff2cb5
ACPI:    * DSDT at 7fff2cb8
ACPI:    * DSDT @ 7fff2cb8 Length 298b
ACPI:	* FACS at 7fff5648
ACPI:    * FADT at 7fff5688
pm_base: 0x0800
ACPI: added table 6/40 Length now 60
ACPI: done.
ACPI tables: 13180 bytes.
Multiboot Information structure has been written.
Adding CBMEM entry as no. 5
Writing high table forward entry at 0x00000500
Wrote coreboot table at: 00000500 - 00000518  checksum 9fde
New low_table_end: 0x00000518
Now going to write high coreboot table at 0x7fffe000
rom_table_end = 0x7fffe000
Adjust low_table_end from 0x00000518 to 0x00001000 
Adjust rom_table_end from 0x7fffe000 to 0x80000000 
Adding high table area
uma_memory_start=0x70000000, uma_memory_size=0x0 
Wrote coreboot table at: 7fffe000 - 7fffe8f0  checksum dfec
coreboot table: 2288 bytes.
 0. FREE SPACE 80000000 00000000
 1. GDT        7fff0200 00000200
 2. IRQ TABLE  7fff0400 00001000
 3. SMP TABLE  7fff1400 00001000
 4. ACPI       7fff2400 0000bc00
 5. COREBOOT   7fffe000 00002000
Check CBFS header at fff7efe0
magic is 4f524243
Found CBFS header at fff7efe0
Check fallback/payload
Got a payload
Loading segment from rom address 0xfff00038
  parameter section (skipped)
Loading segment from rom address 0xfff00054
  data (compression=0)
malloc Enter, size 36, free_mem_ptr 0023b130
malloc 0023b130
  New segment dstaddr 0x100000 memsize 0x1650d0 srcaddr 0xfff000d8
filesize 0x15980
  (cleaned up) New segment addr 0x100000 size 0x1650d0 offset 0xfff000d8
filesize 0x15980
Loading segment from rom address 0xfff00070
  data (compression=0)
malloc Enter, size 36, free_mem_ptr 0023b154
malloc 0023b154
  New segment dstaddr 0x2650d0 memsize 0x48 srcaddr 0xfff15a58 filesize
  (cleaned up) New segment addr 0x2650d0 size 0x48 offset 0xfff15a58
filesize 0x48
Loading segment from rom address 0xfff0008c
  Entry Point 0x0010008c
Loading Segment: addr: 0x0000000000100000 memsz: 0x00000000001650d0
filesz: 0x0000000000015980
lb: [0x0000000000200000, 0x00000000002fa000)
segment: [0x0000000000100000, 0x0000000000115980, 0x00000000002650d0)
malloc Enter, size 36, free_mem_ptr 0023b178
malloc 0023b178
   early: [0x0000000000100000, 0x0000000000115980, 0x0000000000200000)
 bounce: [0x000000006fe0c000, 0x000000006fe0c000, 0x000000006fe710d0)
Loading Segment: addr: 0x0000000000100000 memsz: 0x0000000000100000
filesz: 0x0000000000015980
lb: [0x0000000000200000, 0x00000000002fa000)
Post relocation: addr: 0x0000000000100000 memsz: 0x0000000000100000
filesz: 0x0000000000015980
it's not compressed!
[ 0x0000000000100000, 0000000000115980, 0x0000000000200000) <-
Clearing Segment: addr: 0x0000000000115980 memsz: 0x00000000000ea680
dest 00100000, end 00200000, bouncebuffer 6fe0c000
Loading Segment: addr: 0x000000006fe0c000 memsz: 0x00000000000650d0
filesz: 0x0000000000000000
lb: [0x0000000000200000, 0x00000000002fa000)
Post relocation: addr: 0x000000006fe0c000 memsz: 0x00000000000650d0
filesz: 0x0000000000000000
Loading Segment: addr: 0x00000000002650d0 memsz: 0x0000000000000048
filesz: 0x0000000000000048
lb: [0x0000000000200000, 0x00000000002fa000)
segment: [0x00000000002650d0, 0x0000000000265118, 0x0000000000265118)
 bounce: [0x000000006fe710d0, 0x000000006fe71118, 0x000000006fe71118)
Post relocation: addr: 0x000000006fe710d0 memsz: 0x0000000000000048
filesz: 0x0000000000000048
it's not compressed!
[ 0x000000006fe710d0, 000000006fe71118, 0x000000006fe71118) <-
dest 6fe710d0, end 6fe71118, bouncebuffer 6fe0c000
Loaded segments
Jumping to boot code at 10008c
entry    = 0x0010008c
lb_start = 0x00200000
lb_size  = 0x000fa000
adjust   = 0x6fd06000
buffer   = 0x6fe0c000
     elf_boot_notes = 0x0023174c
adjusted_boot_notes = 0x6ff3774c
FILO version 0.6.0 (baozheng at localhost.localdomain) Fri Oct 30 15:43:32
CST 2009
ERROR: No such CMOS option (boot_devices)
menu: hda1:/etc/grub.conf
IDE time outreset failed, but slave may existhda: LBA48 250GB:
ST3250620NS                             File not found.
FILO 0.6.0
qqqj      Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted.
Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the      commands
before booting, 'a' to modify the kernel arguments      before booting,
or 'c' for a command-line. Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-amd2-generic
x   Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-amd2-generic-serial
Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.27
Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.27-tilapia
Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-amd2-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu 8.04, memtest86+
The highlighted entry will be booted automatically in 3 seconds.    The
highlighted entry will be booted automatically in 2 seconds.    The
highlighted entry will be booted automatically in 1 seconds.
Booting 'Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-amd2-generic-serial'
root  (hd0,0)root arg=(hd0,0)kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-amd2-generic
root=UUID=7bb9e8a5-cbc0-4104-92a3-628f56924494 ro
console=ttyS0,115200initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-amd2-generic
Booting 'Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-amd2-generic-serial'
root  (hd0,0)
root arg=(hd0,0)
kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-amd2-generic
root=UUID=7bb9e8a5-cbc0-4104-92a3-628 f56924494 ro console=ttyS0,115200
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-amd2-generic
Booting 'hda1:/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-amd2-generic
root=UUID=7bb9e8a5-cbc0-4104-92 a3-628f56924494 ro console=ttyS0,115200
initrd=hda1:/boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-amd 2-generic'
Found Linux version 2.6.24-amd2-generic (root at forsteri) #1 SMP Tue Jul
15 22:02:29 UTC 2008 bzImage.Loading kernel... okLoading initrd...
okJumping to entry point...[    0.000000] Linux version
2.6.24-amd2-generic (root at forsteri) (gcc version 4.2.3 (Ubuntu
4.2.3-2ubuntu7)) #1 SMP Tue Jul 15 22:
02:29 UTC 2008 (Ubuntu 2.6.24-amd2.2-generic)
[    0.000000] Command line:
root=UUID=7bb9e8a5-cbc0-4104-92a3-628f56924494 ro console=ttyS0,115200
[    0.000000] BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
[    0.000000]  BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 0000000000001000 type 16
[    0.000000]  BIOS-e820: 0000000000001000 - 00000000000a0000 (usable)
[    0.000000]  BIOS-e820: 00000000000c0000 - 0000000070000000 (usable)
[    0.000000]  BIOS-e820: 0000000070000000 - 0000000080000000
[    0.000000] end_pfn_map = 524288
[    0.000000] DMI not present or invalid.
[    0.000000] ACPI: RSDP signature @ 0xFFFF8100000F0800 checksum 0
[    0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 000F0800, 0014 (r0 CORE  )
[    0.000000] ACPI: RSDT 7FFF2424, 003C (r1 CORE   COREBOOT        0
CORE        0)
[    0.000000] ACPI: HPET 7FFF24E8, 0038 (r1 CORE   COREBOOT        0
CORE        0)
[    0.000000] ACPI: APIC 7FFF2520, 006C (r1 CORE   COREBOOT        0
CORE        0)
[    0.000000] ACPI: SRAT 7FFF2590, 00C0 (r1 CORE   COREBOOT        0
CORE        0)
[    0.000000] ACPI: SLIT 7FFF2650, 002D (r1 CORE   COREBOOT        0
CORE        0)
[    0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 7FFF2680, 0635 (r1 AMD-FA AMD-ACPI  6040000
INTL 20061109)
[    0.000000] ACPI: FACP 7FFF5688, 00F4 (r1 CORE   COREBOOT        0
CORE        0)
[    0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 7FFF2CB8, 298B (r2 AMD    MAHOGANY    10001
INTL 20061109)
[    0.000000] ACPI: FACS 7FFF5648, 0040
[    0.000000] SRAT: PXM 0 -> APIC 0 -> Node 0
[    0.000000] SRAT: PXM 0 -> APIC 1 -> Node 0
[    0.000000] SRAT: PXM 0 -> APIC 2 -> Node 0
[    0.000000] SRAT: PXM 0 -> APIC 3 -> Node 0
[    0.000000] SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 0-a0000
[    0.000000] SRAT: Node 0 PXM 0 0-80000000
[    0.000000] Bootmem setup node 0 0000000000000000-0000000070000000
[    0.000000] Zone PFN ranges:
[    0.000000]   DMA             1 ->     4096
[    0.000000]   DMA32        4096 ->  1048576
[    0.000000]   Normal    1048576 ->  1048576
[    0.000000] Movable zone start PFN for each node
[    0.000000] early_node_map[2] active PFN ranges
[    0.000000]     0:        1 ->      160
[    0.000000]     0:      192 ->   458752
[    0.000000] ATI board detected. Disabling timer routing over 8254.
[    0.000000] ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x818
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x00] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
[    0.000000] Processor #0 (Bootup-CPU)
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x01] enabled)
[    0.000000] Processor #1
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x02] enabled)
[    0.000000] Processor #2
[    0.000000] ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x03] lapic_id[0x03] enabled)
[    0.000000] Processor #3
[    0.000000] ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x02] address[0xfec00000] gsi_base[0])
[    0.000000] IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 2, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23
[    0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl)
[    0.000000] ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 low
[    0.000000] Setting APIC routing to flat
[    0.000000] ACPI: HPET id: 0x102282a0 base: 0xfed00000
[    0.000000] Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information
[    0.000000] swsusp: Registered nosave memory region: 00000000000a0000
- 00000000000c0000
[    0.000000] Allocating PCI resources starting at 88000000 (gap:
[    0.000000] SMP: Allowing 4 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs
[    0.000000] PERCPU: Allocating 34656 bytes of per cpu data
[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Node order, mobility grouping on.
Total pages: 451239
[    0.000000] Policy zone: DMA32
[    0.000000] Kernel command line:
root=UUID=7bb9e8a5-cbc0-4104-92a3-628f56924494 ro console=ttyS0,115200
[    0.000000] Initializing CPU#0
[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 12, 32768 bytes)
[    0.000000] TSC calibrated against PM_TIMER
[   30.808538] Marking TSC unstable due to TSCs unsynchronized
[   30.808539] time.c: Detected 2305.849 MHz processor.
[   30.809256] Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
[   30.809274] console [ttyS0] enabled
[   31.168194] Checking aperture...
[   31.171423] CPU 0: aperture @ f4000000 size 64 MB
[   31.187758] Memory: 1797284k/1835008k available (2466k kernel code,
37592k reserved, 1313k data, 316k init)
[   31.197502] SLUB: Genslabs=12, HWalign=64, Order=0-1, MinObjects=4,
CPUs=4, Nodes=1
[   31.282464] Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 4616.27
BogoMIPS (lpj=9232540)
[   31.290838] Security Framework initialized
[   31.294933] SELinux:  Disabled at boot.
[   31.298776] AppArmor: AppArmor initialized
[   31.302867] Failure registering capabilities with primary security
[   31.309876] Dentry cache hash table entries: 262144 (order: 9,
2097152 bytes)
[   31.318149] Inode-cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576
[   31.325661] Mount-cache hash table entries: 256
[   31.330294] CPU: L1 I Cache: 64K (64 bytes/line), D cache 64K (64
[   31.337413] CPU: L2 Cache: 512K (64 bytes/line)
[   31.341937] CPU 0/0 -> Node 0
[   31.344907] CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
[   31.348911] CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
[   31.352596] SMP alternatives: switching to UP code
[   31.357900] Early unpacking initramfs... done
[   31.605568] ACPI: Core revision 20070126
[   31.610445] ACPI Warning (tbutils-0217): Incorrect checksum in table
[DSDT] -  56, should be 15 [20070126]
[   31.620113] ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initramfs... error, file
/DSDT.aml not found.
[   31.628694] ACPI Warning (tbutils-0217): Incorrect checksum in table
[DSDT] -  56, should be 15 [20070126]
[   31.639376] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b2cc offset 25F0, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.650790] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 21 at AML
address ffffc2000030b2d6 offset 25FA, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.662188] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 38 at AML
address ffffc2000030b2dc offset 2600, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.673610] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode E8 at AML
address ffffc2000030b2e0 offset 2604, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.685022] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode F at AML
address ffffc2000030b2e4 offset 2608, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.696346] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 4 at AML
address ffffc2000030b2e8 offset 260C, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.707669] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b2ec offset 2610, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.719098] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 3 at AML
address ffffc2000030b2ed offset 2611, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.730440] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 38 at AML
address ffffc2000030b2ef offset 2613, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.741846] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 2 at AML
address ffffc2000030b2f4 offset 2618, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.753178] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode B4 at AML
address ffffc2000030b2f8 offset 261C, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.764594] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode C6 at AML
address ffffc2000030b2f9 offset 261D, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.776014] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode E8 at AML
address ffffc2000030b300 offset 2624, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.787443] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 2 at AML
address ffffc2000030b304 offset 2628, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.798783] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 3 at AML
address ffffc2000030b308 offset 262C, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.810103] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 38 at AML
address ffffc2000030b30c offset 2630, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.821513] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 40 at AML
address ffffc2000030b310 offset 2634, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.832922] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode E1 at AML
address ffffc2000030b311 offset 2635, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.844331] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 21 at AML
address ffffc2000030b312 offset 2636, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.855743] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 22 at AML
address ffffc2000030b319 offset 263D, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.867171] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b31a offset 263E, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.878598] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode F8 at AML
address ffffc2000030b31c offset 2640, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.890005] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 3 at AML
address ffffc2000030b31d offset 2641, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.901336] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 40 at AML
address ffffc2000030b320 offset 2644, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.912755] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode E1 at AML
address ffffc2000030b321 offset 2645, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.924172] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 21 at AML
address ffffc2000030b322 offset 2646, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.935593] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 22 at AML
address ffffc2000030b329 offset 264D, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.947021] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b32a offset 264E, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.958448] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode F8 at AML
address ffffc2000030b32c offset 2650, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.969854] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 3 at AML
address ffffc2000030b32d offset 2651, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.981180] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 40 at AML
address ffffc2000030b338 offset 265C, ignoring [20070126]
[   31.992599] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b33a offset 265E, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.004009] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 40 at AML
address ffffc2000030b348 offset 266C, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.015435] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b34a offset 266E, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.026862] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 40 at AML
address ffffc2000030b350 offset 2674, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.038276] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode E1 at AML
address ffffc2000030b351 offset 2675, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.049694] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 21 at AML
address ffffc2000030b352 offset 2676, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.061114] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 22 at AML
address ffffc2000030b359 offset 267D, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.072531] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b35a offset 267E, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.083950] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode F8 at AML
address ffffc2000030b35c offset 2680, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.095379] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 3 at AML
address ffffc2000030b35d offset 2681, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.106721] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 2 at AML
address ffffc2000030b364 offset 2688, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.118040] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode B4 at AML
address ffffc2000030b368 offset 268C, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.129449] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode C6 at AML
address ffffc2000030b369 offset 268D, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.140858] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b36a offset 268E, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.152269] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 40 at AML
address ffffc2000030b370 offset 2694, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.163687] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode E1 at AML
address ffffc2000030b371 offset 2695, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.175116] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 21 at AML
address ffffc2000030b372 offset 2696, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.186545] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 40 at AML
address ffffc2000030b378 offset 269C, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.197949] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b37a offset 269E, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.209369] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 40 at AML
address ffffc2000030b380 offset 26A4, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.220785] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode E1 at AML
address ffffc2000030b381 offset 26A5, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.232203] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 21 at AML
address ffffc2000030b382 offset 26A6, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.243623] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 3 at AML
address ffffc2000030b388 offset 26AC, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.254967] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode F8 at AML
address ffffc2000030b38c offset 26B0, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.266392] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 3 at AML
address ffffc2000030b38d offset 26B1, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.277722] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode B4 at AML
address ffffc2000030b398 offset 26BC, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.289139] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode C6 at AML
address ffffc2000030b399 offset 26BD, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.300548] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b39a offset 26BE, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.311960] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode E8 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3a0 offset 26C4, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.323390] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 40 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3a8 offset 26CC, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.334815] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3aa offset 26CE, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.346231] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode E8 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3b0 offset 26D4, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.357646] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 3 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3b4 offset 26D8, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.368972] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 3 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3b8 offset 26DC, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.380304] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 3F at AML
address ffffc2000030b3c1 offset 26E5, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.391720] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 23 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3c2 offset 26E6, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.403144] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3c6 offset 26EA, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.414570] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3cc offset 26F0, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.425967] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 40 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3d0 offset 26F4, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.437376] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode E1 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3d1 offset 26F5, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.448785] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 21 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3d2 offset 26F6, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.460197] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 22 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3d9 offset 26FD, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.471612] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3da offset 26FE, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.483044] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode F8 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3dc offset 2700, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.494470] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 3 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3dd offset 2701, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.505791] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode E8 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3e0 offset 2704, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.517208] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 3 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3e4 offset 2708, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.528541] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode F8 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3ec offset 2710, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.539958] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 3 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3ed offset 2711, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.551301] ACPI Error (psloop-0136): Found unknown opcode 20 at AML
address ffffc2000030b3f0 offset 2714, ignoring [20070126]
[   32.562736] ACPI Exception (tbxface-0629): AE_AML_NO_OPERAND, While
loading namespace from ACPI tables [20070126]
[   32.573022] ACPI: Unable to load the System Description Tables
[   32.619220] Using local APIC timer interrupts.
[   32.667025] Detected 12.531 MHz APIC timer.
[   32.671279] SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
[   32.676594] Booting processor 1/4 APIC 0x1
[   32.690947] Initializing CPU#1
[   32.771197] Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 4611.76
BogoMIPS (lpj=9223539)
[   32.771203] CPU: L1 I Cache: 64K (64 bytes/line), D cache 64K (64
[   32.771205] CPU: L2 Cache: 512K (64 bytes/line)
[   32.771207] CPU 1/1 -> Node 0
[   32.771209] CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
[   32.771209] CPU: Processor Core ID: 1
[   32.771491] AMD Phenom(tm)9600 Quad-Core Processor stepping 02
[   32.771565] SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
[   32.816188] Booting processor 2/4 APIC 0x2
[   32.830545] Initializing CPU#2
[   32.911170] Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 4611.78
BogoMIPS (lpj=9223567)
[   32.911176] CPU: L1 I Cache: 64K (64 bytes/line), D cache 64K (64
[   32.911178] CPU: L2 Cache: 512K (64 bytes/line)
[   32.911180] CPU 2/2 -> Node 0
[   32.911182] CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
[   32.911182] CPU: Processor Core ID: 2
[   32.911464] AMD Phenom(tm)9600 Quad-Core Processor stepping 02
[   32.911563] SMP alternatives: switching to SMP code
[   32.956200] Booting processor 3/4 APIC 0x3
[   32.970563] Initializing CPU#3
[   33.051143] Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 4611.78
BogoMIPS (lpj=9223571)
[   33.051149] CPU: L1 I Cache: 64K (64 bytes/line), D cache 64K (64
[   33.051151] CPU: L2 Cache: 512K (64 bytes/line)
[   33.051153] CPU 3/3 -> Node 0
[   33.051155] CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
[   33.051155] CPU: Processor Core ID: 3
[   33.051437] AMD Phenom(tm)9600 Quad-Core Processor stepping 02
[   33.051547] Brought up 4 CPUs
[   33.094311] net_namespace: 120 bytes
[   33.098243] Time:  9:24:48  Date: 11/06/09
[   33.102355] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[   33.106938] PCI: Using configuration type 1
[   33.111546] ACPI: Interpreter disabled.
[   33.115380] Linux Plug and Play Support v0.97 (c) Adam Belay
[   33.121048] pnp: PnP ACPI: disabled
[   33.124685] PCI: Probing PCI hardware
[   33.128553] pci 0000:00:11.0: set SATA to AHCI mode
[   33.134392] PCI: Transparent bridge - 0000:00:14.4
[   33.139876] PCI: Using IRQ router default [1022/9602] at 0000:00:01.0
[   33.155160] NET: Registered protocol family 8
[   33.159516] NET: Registered protocol family 20
[   33.164035] AppArmor: AppArmor Filesystem Enabled
[   33.169016] PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:01.0
[   33.172675] Time: acpi_pm clocksource has been installed.
[   33.178085]   IO window: 1000-1fff
[   33.181507]   MEM window: d0000000-d00fffff
[   33.185693]   PREFETCH window: e0000000-efffffff
[   33.190308] PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:04.0
[   33.193972]   IO window: disabled.
[   33.197370]   MEM window: disabled.
[   33.200866]   PREFETCH window: disabled.
[   33.204793] PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:09.0
[   33.208445]   IO window: 2000-2fff
[   33.211853]   MEM window: d0100000-d01fffff
[   33.216038]   PREFETCH window: f0000000-f00fffff
[   33.220654] PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:0a.0
[   33.224305]   IO window: disabled.
[   33.227714]   MEM window: disabled.
[   33.231207]   PREFETCH window: disabled.
[   33.235130] PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:14.4
[   33.238794]   IO window: disabled.
[   33.242203]   MEM window: disabled.
[   33.245693]   PREFETCH window: disabled.
[   33.249655] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[   33.292653] IP route cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7,
524288 bytes)
[   33.300351] TCP established hash table entries: 262144 (order: 10,
4194304 bytes)
[   33.309736] TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 8, 1048576
[   33.316933] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 262144 bind
[   33.323536] TCP reno registered
[   33.336701] checking if image is initramfs... it is
[   33.816286] Freeing initrd memory: 7386k freed
[   33.824783] audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
[   33.830195] audit(1257499488.265:1): initialized
[   33.836519] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.1
[   33.840719] Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
[   33.847291] io scheduler noop registered
[   33.851217] io scheduler anticipatory registered
[   33.855833] io scheduler deadline registered
[   33.860177] io scheduler cfq registered (default)
[   33.865209] assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability
[   33.870431] assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability
[   33.875648] assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability
[   33.900367] Real Time Clock Driver v1.12ac
[   33.904752] Linux agpgart interface v0.102
[   33.908844] Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 4 ports, IRQ
sharing enabled
[   33.916768] serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
[   33.922906] serial8250: ttyS1 at I/O 0x2f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
[   33.929523] RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 65536K size
1024 blocksize
[   33.937128] input: Macintosh mouse button emulation as
[   33.944940] PNP: No PS/2 controller found. Probing ports directly.
[   33.984577] serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
[   34.004456] mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
[   34.009709] cpuidle: using governor ladder
[   34.013807] cpuidle: using governor menu
[   34.017846] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[   34.022250] registered taskstats version 1
[   34.026445]   Magic number: 1:807:423
[   34.030203]
unable to open rtc device (rtc0)
[   34.040348] BIOS EDD facility v0.16 2004-Jun-25, 0 devices found
[   34.046343] EDD information not available.
[   34.050439] Freeing unused kernel memory: 316k freed
Loading, please wait...
Begin: Loading essential drivers... ...
[   34.345531] thermal: Unknown symbol acpi_processor_set_thermal_limit
Begin: Running /scripts/init-premount ...
udevd[1248]: add_to_rules: unknown key 'TEST' in
udevd[1248]: add_to_rules: unknown key 'WAIT_FOR' in
udevd[1248]: add_to_rules: unknown key 'TEST' in
udevd[1248]: add_to_rules: unknown key 'TEST' in
[   34.498044] SCSI subsystem initialized
[   34.517535] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[   34.523326] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[   34.528983] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[   34.548593] r8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver 2.2LK loaded
[   34.553987] PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin A of device
0000:03:00.0. Probably buggy MP table.
[   34.563605] eth0: RTL8168c/8111c at 0xffffc2000089e000,
00:24:21:39:cb:eb, XID 3c4000c0 IRQ 508
[   34.574416] PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin A of device
0000:00:12.0. Probably buggy MP table.
[   34.583801] ohci_hcd 0000:00:12.0: Found HC with no IRQ.  Check
BIOS/PCI 0000:00:12.0 setup!
[   34.592556] ohci_hcd 0000:00:12.0: init 0000:00:12.0 fail, -19
[   34.598696] PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin A of device
0000:00:12.1. Probably buggy MP table.
[   34.607976] ohci_hcd 0000:00:12.1: Found HC with no IRQ.  Check
BIOS/PCI 0000:00:12.1 setup!
[   34.616759] ohci_hcd 0000:00:12.1: init 0000:00:12.1 fail, -19
[   34.624155] PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin A of device
0000:00:13.0. Probably buggy MP table.
[   34.633529] ohci_hcd 0000:00:13.0: Found HC with no IRQ.  Check
BIOS/PCI 0000:00:13.0 setup!
[   34.642368] ohci_hcd 0000:00:13.0: init 0000:00:13.0 fail, -19
[   34.648489] PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin A of device
0000:00:13.1. Probably buggy MP table.
[   34.657823] ohci_hcd 0000:00:13.1: Found HC with no IRQ.  Check
BIOS/PCI 0000:00:13.1 setup!
[   34.666563] ohci_hcd 0000:00:13.1: init 0000:00:13.1 fail, -19
[   34.672723] PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin A of device
0000:00:11.0. Probably buggy MP table.
[   34.682189] ahci 0000:00:11.0: controller can't do PMP, turning off
[   35.692034] ahci 0000:00:11.0: AHCI 0001.0100 32 slots 4 ports 3 Gbps
0xf impl SATA mode
[   35.700442] ahci 0000:00:11.0: flags: 64bit ncq sntf ilck pm led clo
pio slum part 
[   35.708667] scsi0 : ahci
[   35.711374] scsi1 : ahci
[   35.714077] scsi2 : ahci
[   35.716789] scsi3 : ahci
[   35.719468] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024 at 0xd0209000 port
0xd0209100 irq 507
[   35.727269] ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024 at 0xd0209000 port
0xd0209180 irq 507
[   35.735025] ata3: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024 at 0xd0209000 port
0xd0209200 irq 507
[   35.742837] ata4: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024 at 0xd0209000 port
0xd0209280 irq 507
[   36.223863] ata1: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 300)
[   36.273717] ata1.00: ATA-7: ST3250620NS, 3.AEG, max UDMA/133
[   36.279620] ata1.00: 488397168 sectors, multi 0: LBA48 NCQ (depth
[   36.331860] ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
[   36.663749] ata2: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
[   36.979668] ata3: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
[   37.296081] ata4: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
[   37.301787] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     ATA      ST3250620NS
3.AE PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
[   37.310309] PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin C of device
0000:00:14.5. Probably buggy MP table.
[   37.319710] ohci_hcd 0000:00:14.5: Found HC with no IRQ.  Check
BIOS/PCI 0000:00:14.5 setup!
[   37.328578] ohci_hcd 0000:00:14.5: init 0000:00:14.5 fail, -19
[   37.334792] PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin B of device
0000:00:12.2. Probably buggy MP table.
[   37.344141] ehci_hcd 0000:00:12.2: Found HC with no IRQ.  Check
BIOS/PCI 0000:00:12.2 setup!
[   37.352927] ehci_hcd 0000:00:12.2: init 0000:00:12.2 fail, -19
[   37.359874] scsi4 : pata_atiixp
[   37.364477] scsi5 : pata_atiixp
[   37.367781] ata5: PATA max UDMA/100 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0x3010
irq 14
[   37.375075] ata6: PATA max UDMA/100 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0x3018
irq 15
[   37.382688] Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods
[   37.389403] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 488397168 512-byte hardware sectors
(250059 MB)
[   37.396940] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
[   37.402041] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache:
enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
[   37.411556] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 488397168 512-byte hardware sectors
(250059 MB)
[   37.419050] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
[   37.424060] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache:
enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
[   37.433536]  sda: sda1 sda2 < sda5 >
[   37.472526] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
[   37.482891] sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
[   37.711268] PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin B of device
0000:00:13.2. Probably buggy MP table.
[   37.720635] ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2: Found HC with no IRQ.  Check
BIOS/PCI 0000:00:13.2 setup!
[   37.729513] ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2: init 0000:00:13.2 fail, -19
[   37.742756] Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
[   37.749332] ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes;
override with idebus=xx
Begin: Mounting root file system... ...
Begin: Running /scripts/local-top ...
Begin: Waiting for root file system... ...
-------------- next part --------------
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