[coreboot] errata#89 patch for Family 0Fh Prozessors

Alex G. mr.nuke.me at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 12:35:00 CET 2011

> Hi,
> sorry for the misunderstanding.
> Setting bit 32 in msr should be ->  'msr.hi |= (1<<  0)', no?
LOL! Nice catch.

This is what happens when you're still up at 6AM, obsessive drawing
lines on a Google Earth printscreen in order to finish a project due in
a few hours. :P

It's funny to see those logic mistakes made with so much ease. As for
#169, we should set 'msr.hi |= (1<<  0)' :P, "set
F0x68[22:21](DsNpReqLmt0) to 01b," and drop #131 altogether.

I'm assuming the second part means 0:18.0, register 0x6b-0x68[22:21], or

reg = pci_read_config8(0:18.0, 0x6a);
reg |= 0x20;
pci_write_config8(0:18.0, 0x6a, reg);


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