[coreboot] New patch to review for coreboot: 1d064f3 cbmem utility: drop obsolete python version

Stefan Reinauer (stefan.reinauer@coreboot.org) gerrit at coreboot.org
Mon Jan 7 22:41:53 CET 2013

Stefan Reinauer (stefan.reinauer at coreboot.org) just uploaded a new patch set to gerrit, which you can find at http://review.coreboot.org/2115


commit 1d064f3d704f43df3f03b580076f17ce96275f42
Author: Stefan Reinauer <stefan.reinauer at coreboot.org>
Date:   Mon Jan 7 13:39:43 2013 -0800

    cbmem utility: drop obsolete python version
    The first version of the cbmem utility was written in python,
    but it had issues with 64bit systems and other little hick ups.
    Since the C version has much fewer dependencies (no python needed
    on target system), and it works in all corner cases, drop the
    python version.
    Change-Id: Ida3d6c9bb46f6d826f45538e4ceaa4fc1e771ff5
    Signed-off-by: Stefan Reinauer <reinauer at google.com>
 util/cbmem/cbmem.py | 259 ----------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 259 deletions(-)

diff --git a/util/cbmem/cbmem.py b/util/cbmem/cbmem.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 70ccc00..0000000
--- a/util/cbmem/cbmem.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-# cbmem.py - Linux space CBMEM contents parser
-# Copyright (C) 2011 The ChromiumOS Authors.  All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
-Parse and display CBMEM contents.
-This module is meant to run on systems with coreboot based firmware.
-When started, it determines the amount of DRAM installed on the system, and
-then scans the top area of DRAM (right above the available memory size)
-looking for the CBMEM base signature at locations aligned at 0x20000
-Once it finds the CBMEM signature, the utility parses the contents, reporting
-the section IDs/sizes and also reporting the contents of the tiemstamp and
-console sections.
-import mmap
-import struct
-import sys
-def get_phys_mem(addr, size):
-    '''Read size bytes from address addr by mmaping /dev/mem'''
-    mf = open("/dev/mem")
-    delta = addr % 4096
-    mm = mmap.mmap(mf.fileno(), size + delta,
-                   mmap.MAP_PRIVATE, offset=(addr - delta))
-    buf = mm.read(size + delta)
-    mf.close()
-    return buf[delta:]
-# This class and metaclass make it easier to define and access structures
-# which live in physical memory. To use them, inherit from CStruct and define
-# a class member called struct_members which is a tuple of pairs. The first
-# item in the pair is the type format specifier that should be used with
-# struct.unpack to read that member from memory. The second item is the name
-# that member should have in the resulting object.
-class MetaCStruct(type):
-    def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
-        struct_members = dct["struct_members"]
-        cls.struct_fmt = "<"
-        for char, name in struct_members:
-            cls.struct_fmt += char
-        cls.struct_len = struct.calcsize(cls.struct_fmt)
-        super(MetaCStruct, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)
-class CStruct(object):
-    __metaclass__ = MetaCStruct
-    struct_members = ()
-    def __init__(self, addr):
-        self.raw_memory = get_phys_mem(addr, self.struct_len)
-        values = struct.unpack(self.struct_fmt, self.raw_memory)
-        names = (name for char, name in self.struct_members)
-        for name, value in zip(names, values):
-            setattr(self, name, value)
-def normalize_timer(value, freq):
-    '''Convert timer reading into microseconds.
-    Get the free running clock counter value, divide it by the clock frequency
-    and multiply by 1 million to get reading in microseconds.
-    Then convert the value into an ASCII string with groups of three digits
-    separated by commas.
-    Inputs:
-      value: int, the clock reading
-      freq: float, the clock frequency
-    Returns:
-      A string presenting 'value' in microseconds.
-    '''
-    result = []
-    value = int(value * 1000000.0 / freq)
-    svalue = '%d' % value
-    vlength = len(svalue)
-    remainder = vlength % 3
-    if remainder:
-        result.append(svalue[0:remainder])
-    while remainder < vlength:
-        result.append(svalue[remainder:remainder+3])
-        remainder = remainder + 3
-    return ','.join(result)
-def get_cpu_freq():
-    '''Retrieve CPU frequency from sysfs.
-    Use /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq as the source.
-    '''
-    freq_str = open('/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq'
-                    ).read()
-    # Convert reading into Hertz
-    return float(freq_str) * 1000.0
-def process_timers(base):
-    '''Scan the array of timestamps found in CBMEM at address base.
-    For each timestamp print the timer ID and the value in microseconds.
-    '''
-    class TimestampHeader(CStruct):
-        struct_members = (
-            ("Q", "base_time"),
-            ("L", "max_entr"),
-            ("L", "entr")
-        )
-    class TimestampEntry(CStruct):
-        struct_members = (
-            ("L", "timer_id"),
-            ("Q", "timer_value")
-        )
-    header = TimestampHeader(base)
-    print('\ntime base %d, total entries %d' % (header.base_time, header.entr))
-    clock_freq = get_cpu_freq()
-    base = base + header.struct_len
-    prev_time = 0
-    for i in range(header.entr):
-        timestamp = TimestampEntry(base)
-        print '%d:%s ' % (timestamp.timer_id,
-            normalize_timer(timestamp.timer_value, clock_freq)),
-        if prev_time:
-            print '(%s)' % normalize_timer(
-                timestamp.timer_value - prev_time, clock_freq),
-        prev_time = timestamp.timer_value
-        print
-        base = base + timestamp.struct_len
-    print
-def process_console(base):
-    '''Dump the console log buffer contents found at address base.'''
-    class ConsoleHeader(CStruct):
-        struct_members = (
-            ("L", "size"),
-            ("L", "cursor")
-        )
-    header = ConsoleHeader(base)
-    print 'cursor at %d\n' % header.cursor
-    cons_addr = base + header.struct_len
-    cons_length = min(header.cursor, header.size)
-    cons_text = get_phys_mem(cons_addr, cons_length)
-    print cons_text
-    print '\n'
-def ipchksum(buf):
-    '''Checksumming function used on the coreboot tables. The buffer being
-    checksummed is summed up as if it was an array of 16 bit unsigned
-    integers. If there are an odd number of bytes, the last element is zero
-    extended.'''
-    size = len(buf)
-    odd = size % 2
-    fmt = "<%dH" % ((size - odd) / 2)
-    if odd:
-        fmt += "B"
-    shorts = struct.unpack(fmt, buf)
-    checksum = sum(shorts)
-    checksum = (checksum >> 16) + (checksum & 0xffff)
-    checksum += (checksum >> 16)
-    checksum = ~checksum & 0xffff
-    return checksum
-def parse_tables(base, length):
-    '''Find the coreboot tables in memory and process whatever we can.'''
-    class CBTableHeader(CStruct):
-        struct_members = (
-            ("4s", "signature"),
-            ("I", "header_bytes"),
-            ("I", "header_checksum"),
-            ("I", "table_bytes"),
-            ("I", "table_checksum"),
-            ("I", "table_entries")
-        )
-    class CBTableEntry(CStruct):
-        struct_members = (
-            ("I", "tag"),
-            ("I", "size")
-        )
-    class CBTableForward(CBTableEntry):
-        struct_members = CBTableEntry.struct_members + (
-            ("Q", "forward"),
-        )
-    class CBMemTab(CBTableEntry):
-        struct_members = CBTableEntry.struct_members + (
-            ("L", "cbmem_tab"),
-        )
-    for addr in range(base, base + length, 16):
-        header = CBTableHeader(addr)
-        if header.signature == "LBIO":
-            break
-    else:
-        return -1
-    if header.header_bytes == 0:
-        return -1
-    if ipchksum(header.raw_memory) != 0:
-        print "Bad header checksum"
-        return -1
-    addr += header.header_bytes
-    table = get_phys_mem(addr, header.table_bytes)
-    if ipchksum(table) != header.table_checksum:
-        print "Bad table checksum"
-        return -1
-    for i in range(header.table_entries):
-        entry = CBTableEntry(addr)
-        if entry.tag == 0x11: # Forwarding entry
-            return parse_tables(CBTableForward(addr).forward, length)
-        elif entry.tag == 0x16: # Timestamps
-            process_timers(CBMemTab(addr).cbmem_tab)
-        elif entry.tag == 0x17: # CBMEM console
-            process_console(CBMemTab(addr).cbmem_tab)
-        addr += entry.size
-    return 0
-def main():
-    for base, length in (0x00000000, 0x1000), (0x000f0000, 0x1000):
-        if parse_tables(base, length):
-            break
-    else:
-        print "Didn't find the coreboot tables"
-        return 0
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    sys.exit(main())

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