[coreboot] DMA protection? [AMD-Vi]

Taiidan at gmx.com Taiidan at gmx.com
Tue Nov 15 22:35:59 CET 2016

I have KGPE-d16 with IOMMU/AMD-VI and I was wondering if it would be 
possible to designate in coreboot certain devices pass-through only to 
stop them from communicating with the host? If I have to launch a rescue 
CD or what not then a rogue infected device could do a DMA attack correct?

On linux does iommu only isolate from the host devices assigned to a 
guest? assigned to pcistub? or is there always some level of mediation? 
My system says "dom0 mode - relaxed" right below the AMDVI messages, 
what does it mean?

Thanks for any replies!

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