[coreboot] Lenovo T420 Question

i1w5d7gf38keg at tutanota.com i1w5d7gf38keg at tutanota.com
Thu Feb 23 02:49:49 CET 2017

Could you try out "Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut" or even liquid metal based products and report about the temperatures? It would be great if you could try out first the Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut and later then for example the Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut and report here.

Please clean up the surface before applying when possible with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isopropyl_alcohol (its cheap and easy to get).

23. Feb 2017 01:28 by coreboot at semioptimal.net:

> Hi
>> Untested/unknown: If a ivy bridge CPU would work. The OEM bios didn't had support for those.
> Ivy Bridge works, have a 3740QM in mine. However, (quoting myself here):
>> I'm running one albeit with an i7-3740qm - which is too much thermal load, runs up to 2.9 GHz for me reaching 93°C (70K to ambient) with fan set to disengaged, normal auto fan control works and allows up to 2.5 GHz.
>> with that CPU RAPL does not work, thermald does but out-of-the-box settings gives me less performance than with fix limits, and I'm sure as hell not going to configure something with an xml config file.
>> used to have a 2720m which worked without any issues AFAIR, but the 3740qm effectively gives me double the cores that are a little faster.
> Regards, Arian
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