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The wiki is being retired!

Documentation is now handled by the same processes we use for code: Add something to the Documentation/ directory in the coreboot repo, and it will be rendered to Contributions welcome!

Welcome to coreboot Google Summer of Code, 2016!
coreboot is applying for GSoC 2016 as mentoring organization.
However, it is not granted that we are accepted yet. We will announce this on the mailing list, IRC and update this page when we are informed on 29 February.

coreboot has many Project Ideas for various ability levels. The coreboot project also hosts flashrom and SerialICE projects.

Official student application period in 2016 is from March 14 to March 25.

coreboot contact

If you are interested in becoming a GSoC student, please contact the coreboot mailing list or visit our IRC channel #coreboot on

If you need to contact someone directly, Patrick Georgi and Martin Roth are the GSoC admins for coreboot in 2016.

Why work on coreboot for GSoC 2016?

  • coreboot offers you the opportunity to work with modern technology “right on the iron”. coreboot supports current silicon from AMD and Intel.
  • coreboot has a worldwide developer and user base.
  • We are a very passionate team – so you will interact directly with the project initiators and project leaders.
  • We have a large, helpful community. coreboot has some extremely talented and helpful experts in firmware involved in the project. They are ready to assist and mentor students participating in GSoC 2016.
  • One of the last areas where open source software is not common is firmware. Running proprietary firmware can have severe effects on user's freedom and security. coreboot changes that by providing a common framework for initial hardware initialization and you can help us succeed.

GSoC Student requirements

What will be required of you to be a coreboot GSoC student?

Google Summer of Code is a full (day)time job. This means we expect roughly 40 hours per week on your project, during the three months of coding. Obviously we have flexibility, but if your schedule (exams, courses) does not give you this amount of spare time, then maybe you should not apply.

  1. Prior to project acceptance, you have demonstrated that you can work with the coreboot codebase.
    • By the time you have submitted your application, you should have downloaded, built and booted coreboot in QEMU, SimNow, or on real hardware. Please, email your serial output results to the mailing list.
    • Send a patch to Gerrit for review. Check Easy projects or ask for simple tasks on the mailing list or on IRC.
  2. To pass and to be paid by Google requires that you meet certain milestones.
    • First, you must be in good standing with the community before the official start of the program. We suggest you post some design emails to the mailing list, and get feedback on them, both before applying, and during the "community bonding period" between acceptance and official start.
    • You must have made progress and committed significant code before the mid-term point and by the final.
  3. We require that accepted students to maintain a blog, where you will write about your project weekly. This is a way to measure progress and for the community at large to be able to help you. SoC is not a private contract between your mentor and you.
  4. Student must be active on IRC and the mailing list.

We don't expect our students to be experts in our problem domain, but we don't want you to fail because some basic misunderstanding was in your way of completing the task.


There are many development tasks available in coreboot. Please visit the following pages for some ideas or come up with your own idea.

We keep a list of previous GSoC Projects which might be of interest to you to see what others have accomplished. Similarly the blog posts related to previous GSoC projects might give some insights to what it is like to be a coreboot GSoC student.

Your own Project Ideas

We have come up with some ideas for cool Summer of Code projects. These are projects that we think can be managed in the short period of GSoC, and they cover areas where coreboot is trying to reach new users and new use cases.

But of course your application does not need to be based on any of the ideas listed. The opposite: Maybe you have a great idea that we just didn't think of yet. Please let us know!


The following coreboot developers have volunteered to be GSoC mentors. Please stop by IRC and say hi to them and ask them questions about coreboot. Please read the GSoC Mentors Guide.

Name Role Comms AFK / Vacation MMDD-MMDD
Patrick Georgi coreboot: co-organizer and mentor IRC: patrickg, pgeorgi
Martin Roth coreboot: co-organizer and mentor IRC: martinr
Marc Jones coreboot:  ? IRC: marcj
Stefan Reinauer coreboot/serialice: mentor IRC: stepan
David Hendricks flashrom: possible mentor IRC: dhendrix, flashrom ML
Joshua Roys flashrom: possible mentor IRC: roysjosh
Rudolf Marek coreboot: possible mentor IRC: ruik
QingPei Wang coreboot: possible mentor IRC:QingPei
Stefan Tauner flashrom: mentor IRC: stefanct, flashrom ML TBD
Carl-Daniel Hailfinger flashrom: backup mentor IRC: carldani
Furquan Shaikh coreboot: possible co-mentor IRC: furquan

Note to mentors: Each accepted project will have a lead mentor and a backup mentor. We will match mentors and students based on the project, experience level, and geographic location (native language, culture and time zone).

coreboot Summer of Code Application

Please complete the standard Google SoC application and project proposal. Prospective coreboot GSoC student should provide the following information as part of their application. If you are applying for a flashrom or SerialICE project use common sense when using the template below, this is part of the test. ;)

IM/IRC/Skype/other contact:
Web Page / Blog / Microblog / Portfolio:
Normal working hours(UTC):
Degree Program:
Expected graduation date:
Resume (optional):

coreboot welcomes students from all backgrounds and levels of experience. To be considered for coreboot GSoC, we recommend joining the mailing list and IRC channel. Introduce yourself and mention that you are a prospective GSoC student. Ask questions and discuss the project that you are considering. Community involvement is a key component of coreboot development. By the time you have submitted your application, you should have downloaded, built a and booted coreboot in QEMU, SimNow, or on real hardware. Please, email your serial output results to the mailing list.

The following information will help coreboot match students with mentors and projects.

  1. Please comment on your software and firmware experience.
  2. Have you participated in the coreboot community before?
  3. Have you contributed to an open source project? Which one? What was your experience?
  4. Have you built and run coreboot? Did you have problems?
  5. Did you review and comment on coreboot code in Gerrit? Which patches?
  6. Did you find and fix a coreboot bug? Did you send a patch to Gerrit? Please provide a link to the Gerrit page.
  7. Please provide an overview of your project (in your own words).
    1. Provide break down of your project in small specific weekly goals. Think about the potential timeline.
    2. How will you accomplish this goal? What is your working style?
    3. Explain what risks or potential problems your project might experience.
    4. What would you expect as a minimum level of success?
    5. Do you have a stretch goal?
  8. What are your other time commitments? Do you have a job, classes, vacations? When and how long?

Advice on how to apply

Your application should include a complete project proposal. You should document that you have the knowledge and the ability to complete your proposed project. This may require a little research and understanding of coreboot prior to sending your application. Mentors are your best resource in flushing out your project ideas and helping with a project timeline. We recommend that you get feedback and recommendations on your proposal before the application deadline.

Important dates

The official timetable can be found here.

14 March: 19:00 UTC - Student application period opens.
25 March: 19:00 UTC - Student application deadline.
22 April: 19:00 UTC - Accepted student proposals announced on the Google Summer of Code 2016 site.
23 May - Students begin coding for their Google Summer of Code projects;
27 June: 19:00 UTC - Mid-term evaluations deadline;
15-23 August - Suggested cleanup period. Take a week to scrub code, write tests, improve documentation, etc.
23 August: 19:00 UTC - Final (evaluation) deadline (for students)
29 August: 19:00 UTC - Final evaluation deadline (for mentors)

All deadlines end at 19:00 UTC.